Chapter 20

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As soon as James received the message he apparated home, leaving his colleagues standing in the middle of a field in East Yorkshire feeling very confused as to what had just occurred. But James hadn't got time to even discuss anything or explain the patronus. He just knew he had to get home. 

'She's gone.'  Was said in his mother's voice and delivered by her patronus of a horse. That was all he needed to give up the urgent business that he was called to that morning. 

He landed on firm ground in the front sitting room where his mother and Lily were on the floor. Lily was in hysterical tears whilst their mother comforted her, holding her in her arms and shushing her like she had done when they were children. James looked around confused, there was no sign of damage or spell use and no forced entry at the door. What had happened?

"Mum what happened? Where is Allie?" James asked, darting around the house looking for her in some hope that she might appear. 

"He took her and it's all my fault!" Lily cried out hysterically. 

"Darling it is not your fault and Allie won't feel that way either." Ginny comforted her. 

"Where is she?!" James cried, now becoming hysterical himself. He could feel the panic begin to rise within him. What on earth had happened?! She had been right there when he left that morning. 

"He ambushed Lily in the muggle shop and made her walk through the protection dome with him holding on to her. He had her at wand point James, he was going to kill her." James looked at his mother and saw true fear in her eye's. Whatever had happened here hadn't been pleasant. 

"And then what?!" James cried, becoming even more impatient. 

"He told Allie and I that if we tried anything she'd be dead on the spot. Allie asked what he wanted and he said he wanted her to leave with him and if she did, he'd leave us alone." His Mum explained. 

"She sacrificed herself for me James! Because I was stupid enough to not watch my surroundings like you and Dad taught me! I should have known better and now she's gone!" Lily cried out.

"I promised her....I promised that i'd keep her safe. Oh god I don't even have any leads on where she might be." James cried, sitting down on the chair and thinking through what had happened. This couldn't be real. He was so close to telling her that he loved her and in a split second she had gone. How was he going to explain this to Eliza and Izzy?!

James looked up suddenly as his Dad apparated into the room, he too looked around for any signs of danger or disarray and then immediately sat down beside Ginny and Lily.

"He came Dad and he took her." James simply told him. James noticed the grave look on his Dad's face as he processed what James had said.

"Are you both ok?" He asked Ginny and Lily, checking them over for any sign of injury.

"We're fine, he was going to kill Lily Harry, he had her at wand point and Allie sacrificed herself to save her." James watched as his Mum began to process what had happened and became slightly hysterical at the fact that she very nearly lost her only daughter. 

"He ambushed me Dad! At the muggle shop in the next village and he made me take him through the protection dome! I had no choice." Lily cried, latching onto her father as her Mum sat back and processed the ordeal. 

"It's ok sweetheart, none of us blame you for this" He told Lily "How did he know how to get through the dome?"

"That's what i'm trying to work out! Only family know about it!" James cried.

"Ok, i'll check on the family and make sure everybody is ok. I'm going to take your Mum and Lily to your Grandparents house for a while. You go to the Ministry, put all Aurors on high alert for sightings of Emilio Rossa and Allie. Give them all a picture of her if you have to and for the love of god do it quickly James because he is not a man to be messed with." Harry told him, helping Ginny and Lily up off of the floor and holding on to them so that they could apparate to the Burrow which is where his Grandparent's lived. 

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