Chapter 19

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Even though Allie had already seen this once before, she still couldn't believe that this had happened and that she couldn't remember it at all. Had this Emilio Rossa who James had been talking about really been torturing her this long?

Teenage Allie's eyes were wide as she watched Emilio stand back and smirk at her. She was looking around frantically for something that could help her and Allie was in total shock that something like this had actually happened to her. Was this the real reason why she had ended her relationship with James?

"You my darling, have been a very bad girl. No one touches you! Do you understand me?!" Emilio cried, almost sounding mad, as he placed his wand under Allie's chin threateningly. Young Allie looked so very confused and scared at the same time. What did he mean by that?!

"Don't struggle! You're just making this harder for yourself!" Emilio cried, standing back and pointing his wand at young Allie.

"Who are you?! What do you want with me?!" Young Allie cried as she managed to get the cloth down. Allie knew that if she was in the same situation now, she wouldn't be as confident as she had been then. Young Allie was fearless and she wished that this was a trait that she had kept with her as she had grown older. 

"That doesn't matter! All you need to know is that you are forbidden from being near that insipid Potter boy ever again! Do you understand?!" Emilio yelled.

"No! And you can't stop me, I love him and nothing will change that!" Allie spat back in response. Allie couldn't believe her eyes; her love for James had been so strong that young Allie clearly felt that she could face anything that Emilio threw at her. 

"You do? Well we'll see about that. Legilimens." Allie's eyes glazed over and she suddenly relaxed back in the chair as Emilio invaded her memories. 

"Now then Alivia, i'm afraid to say that your beloved Mr Potter has been having an affair with your best friend Annabelle, yes Annabelle! That hurts doesn't it?! Annabelle has told you this, she confided with me so I know that she will agree to this. Of yes, I can feel your pain now my darling. Don't worry, as soon as I end my spell you can go and confront him and delete him from your life. Most importantly, forget our little encounter." Emilio then released his spell then and Allie was left lying with her eye's closed. 

Emilio stepped back and just looked at Allie for a while, as if inspecting his work after he had completed it. He released the binds that had been holding Allie to the chair and made sure that there was no sign of a struggle.

"Until we meet again my Alivia." And then he disappeared out of the classroom door. 

The image faded then and she and James were transported back to Harry's office. James leant against the wall, clearly taking in what he had just seen. 

"I can't believe it." He was the first to speak. 

"I'll leave you two to talk." Harry spoke up, giving them both a sympathetic look before leaving his office and closing the door behind him. 

"Allie, are you ok?" James asked as he walked behind the desk and sat down in his Dad's chair. 

"I don't know what to do James. I'm just in utter shock. Why would someone do such a thing?" She asked him, in complete shock to say much more. 

"These people do things like this to their victims. I don't know why he's targeting you, but it's my job to work that out now that we have a bit more evidence. I'm glad that we had a look through your mind though Allie, it makes things a lot clearer." James told her, leaning back in is chair and running his hands through his sandy brown hair. 

"I'm so sorry James." She muttered quietly. This man had come in, tampered with her mind and made her think that James had cheated on her when he really hadn't. All that heartache that she had suffered had been for nothing. 

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