Chapter 39

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James couldn't help but sit back and watch Allie as she wandered around the reception room making polite conversation with people she had known from school and Dan's family. He found himself being constantly in awe of her. She had been through such an ordeal but somehow still managed to have a smile on her face every single day. 

But he knew deep down that she was scared. Scared that Melissa would return for her and finish what she'd started. James wouldn't admit it to Allie, but he was scared of that happening too. He would do anything to keep her safe because he just couldn't imagine his life without Allie in it. 

"Well that's the face of a man in love if ever I saw one." James laughed as he turned to see his cousin, Fred, stood at the side of him. He took the seat next to James, which had previously been occupied by Albus, with a smirk on his face.

"There's no point in even denying it at this point mate. Everyone knows i'm mad about her, even Allie herself." James shrugged. He'd denied it for long enough and he wasn't about to continue to lie about his true feelings for her. 

"You're a changed man James Potter, I like this new you, it suits you." Fred told him honestly.

"So do I, I feel like my old self again. Like the James I was when I was back at Hogwarts." He smiled. He'd always remember his days at Hogwarts fondly now that Allie was back in his life.

"If only life was as easy as it was when we were at Hogwarts." Fred laughed a little. James took in the look on his face. They might not have been as close as they were when they were kids, but he still knew when something wasn't right with his cousin. 

"What's wrong?" James asked. Fred sighed a little before turning to meet James' gaze. 

"I just feel like everyone is moving on with their lives and i'm just the same old me. Look at you, about to propose to Allie, Eliza is having her second baby and even Albus has moved on and he's happy with Danielle!" Fred cried, rolling his eyes. 

"Fred just because everyone seems like they're moving on, doesn't mean that you have to. Everyone has a different path in their life..WAIT! How did you know that i'm going to propose?!" He hissed, lowering his voice so that only Fred could hear.

"Oh Grandma told me." Fred shrugged as if it was no big deal.

"And how does Grandma know?! Only Mum, Dad, Lily, Al and Danielle were supposed to know!" James cried. At this rate Allie was going to find out before James could even ask her!

"Uncle Percy told her who apparently found out from my Dad, who found out from Uncle Ron." Fred shrugged as if it was nothing. 

"So it was Dad then." James sighed and shook his head. Of course his Dad had told James' Uncle Ron and Aunt Hermione. They were his best friends. 

"Must have been. Don't know why he told Uncle Ron, he can't keep a secret for the life of him." Fred laughed.

"Well great. As long as Allie doesn't find out that's all that matters." James told him, sitting back in his chair.

"As long as Allie doesn't find out what?" James practically gulped at the sound of Eliza's voice behind him. He slowly turned around in his seat and nearly jumped at the look on her face. She looked furious. 

"'s not what you think...." He trailed off and stood from his seat slowly, holding his arms up in defence. 

"I swear to merlin James Potter, if you have done anything to hurt Allie I will go mad!" She cried. James quickly grabbed her arm and pulled her into the corridor outside of the wedding reception room, Fred following quickly behind them as if to back James up.

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