Chapter 13

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"Allie are you ok?! James barely told me what's going on and now we've been moved out and have two Aurors watching our every move!" Eliza cried down the phone as Allie called her later that evening. 

"Yes i'm ok! I've been moved to. When I got home after meeting Lily earlier there was a note under the door that said Isabela is next and was just signed E. I panicked, called Izzy to get out and then called James and he and Auror Dawson came to my apartment. Auror Dawson and Auror Tate are with Izzy and Dan, I can't say where James says incase somebody intercepts our phone call. Which is a bit extreme!" Allie filled Eliza in on what had happened that afternoon. James had given her a pep talk on the do's and don't's before she called Eliza, and now she felt like she could barely say anything. 

"Oh merlin. So they think that this 'E' could be linked to Mum's murderer then? I'm glad you're both safe, even if you can't tell me where. And you're not alone?" Eliza asked. Allie paused for a moment, wracking her brains on what James had said, before deciding to tell Eliza that she was not alone. 

"No i'm not alone. How are Mason and Ryan?" Allie asked, she knew that this must be so stressful for Mason who probably just wanted to be in his own home playing with his toys.

"They're ok. Mason is a bit confused but Ry just told him that we were going on a little holiday which he's excited about. We'll be ok, i'm being told to keep it short Allie so stay safe, I love you." Eliza sighed. She knew that Eliza would hate being ordered around, but it was for their safety. 

"Stay safe, give Mason a kiss from me, I love you." Allie sighed and put the phone down, placing it at the side of her bed. 

She had stayed in the Potter's spare room many times, however she never thought that she'd ever come back and stay here. She was grateful for the company though and so very grateful that they'd agreed to take her in and protect her. 

"How are they?" She turned around and James was stood leaning against the doorframe. 

"They're ok. Ryan told Mason that they've gone on a little holiday. I hate not knowing where they are." Allie sighed and stood up from the bed. 

"I know it's hard but once we catch whoever it is that is threatening to hurt you, everything will go back to normal again." James attempted to reassure her. It nearly worked, but not quite.

"It'll be worth it in the end, I just can't understand who would want to hurt us." Allie said as she followed James out of the room and along the landing. 

"Me neither, but I will get to the bottom of it and somebody will pay for your Mum's death." He promised as they descended the stairs. 

"Well it's like i've been taken back nine years with you two in the house together." Harry was stood at the bottom of the stairs, an amused look on his face as James and Allie stood side by side on the bottom step.

"Hi Harry, nice to see you again." Allie laughed slightly at his words. It felt very surreal to her as well. 

"Not you as well Dad, Mum and Lily have already been on at us. You know that i'm dating Melissa." James rolled his eye's and pushed past his Dad so that he could enter the Kitchen.

"Well someone's touchy today. Hi Allie, it's nice to see you too and good to have you staying with us again. Ginny's filled me in." Harry smiled kindly. 

"Thank you." Allie couldn't believe how generous the Potter's were being. Not just any family would let somebody who could potentially bring violence into the house stay with them and it meant a lot to her. 

She sat down at the dining room table between James and Lily and joined in the conversation. It felt just like old times and Allie couldn't help but feel happy with the situation. She'd always thought that she felt happy living alone, but maybe she didn't. Maybe she preferred being around people. However, she knew that she couldn't get too comfortable. This was only a temporary situation and soon she knew that James would most likely be out of her life, that was if Melissa had anything to do with it anyway. 

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