Chapter 31

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"Stay where you are! If any of you attempt to attack any of my Aurors you will be sent straight to Azkaban!" Allie watched as James slowly attempted to make his way towards her. 

"You have some nerve showing up here Potter, on my daughter's wedding day!" Emilio stood up at the front of the church and made his way towards James, his wand pointed at him. 

"Except from the fact that she isn't your daughter is she Rossa? She's your niece and you don't have a say in how she lives her life!" James challenged him. Allie smiled, it seemed that he had managed to find out some information. She knew that she should have never doubted him. 

"Montague! Make sure that Alivia doesn't escape!" Emilio clicked his fingers and suddenly Henry grabbed Allie around the waist, his wand at her neck. Allie struggled against his grip, but failed. She never thought that he would do this. 

"If you touch a hair on her head you will pay for it!" James cried. Allie looked around and noticed that the team of Aurors had started arresting his followers. They were gathering them up in groups and making sure that they didn't escape.

"Don't come making threats here Potter! I won't hurt my daughter if you do as you're told." Emilio warned him, keeping his wand fixed on James. Allie watched nervously. 

"Allie, keep silent and do as I say. I want to help you." Henry whispered so quietly in her ear that she barely heard him. She very carefully nodded once so that no one could see them. 

"Keep struggling for a while and I will lose my grip, grab my wand and kill Rossa." Henry instructed her. Her eyes widened. Kill him?! She had never killed anybody in her life.

"Kill him?!" She hissed back.

"Yes, it's the only way you'll ever be free. Remember that he killed your Mum, your Dad, people you love." Henry whispered. Allie nodded slowly, her heart aching when she thought about Eliza; she suddenly became very nervous. What if she couldn't do this? 

Suddenly, Henry loosened his grip and Allie broke free. She grabbed his wand and pointed it straight at Emilio. She had to do it. 

"Emilio! Let me go, don't make me do something that i'll regret." Allie told him as she walked towards him, pointing Henry's wand at Emilio, she watched as James looked shocked from where he was stood at the other side of Emilio.

"You wouldn't kill me Alivia, you don't have it in you." He taunted her, a smirk on her face. 

"Maybe not, but I do. Avada Kedavra!" Henry ran forward, grabbed his wand from Allie's hand and shot Emilio right in the stomach with the killing curse. Allie watched in shock as he dropped to the floor, his body stone cold. 

She watched shocked as James made his way towards Emilio and checked that he had in fact been murdered by Henry. He gave her a single nod. She began to walk forward, towards James when a familiar voice cut her off. 

"Well well, I told Emilio that you had fallen for her charms Montague and now look, here we are." Melissa's voice sounded as she walked out from where she had obviously decided to hide under the chairs, her wand pointed straight at Allie. 

"Melissa?!" James cried, his wand now pointing at her. Of course he was shocked, he had to be because Melissa had been so careful about covering her tracks. 

"She works for Emilio." Allie told him, watching Melissa carefully. Henry stood at her side, pointing his wand straight back at her. 

"What he does is wrong Melissa! Look at this fiasco! He wanted to ruin Allie's life just because of this farce of a business! And so what if I have fallen for her? That has nothing to do with it!" Henry cried. Allie looked up at him, he had fallen for her? Why had he never said anything?

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