Chapter 16

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Two weeks later and nothing had happened. James was shocked that they hadn't tried anything else, not even another note left, it seemed that they were biding their time and so was he. Although, he knew that Allie felt like she was a sitting duck waiting for an attack or an attempt to remove her and it killed him to see her so terrified all of the time. 

For the past two weeks James had been in and out of the house following up different leads about Emilio Rossa. Any time he was informed that there had been a sighting he left, checked out the lead and felt even more deflated because there had been nothing there. He couldn't help but feel like somebody was feeding him a web of lies. 

When he arrived back home for dinner in the evening he knew that he wasn't really trying to make conversation, no matter how hard his parent's tried to speak to him. The truth was, he didn't feel like he was getting any further with Eva's case and he was absolutely terrified that Allie was in imminent danger. 

"Allie, I have a proposition for you." Lily spoke up as they all sat in the sitting room on a sunny Friday morning at the end of April. 

"Go on?" Allie asked, looking up from the muggle baking magazine that Lily had bought for her. James looked up curiously from his case notes and watched their interaction. 

"Rose was looking for somebody to bake her wedding cake and I thought why don't we do it?" Lily asked her, a hopeful look in her eyes. James looked over at Allie, interested as to what her answer would be. 

"You think we'd be able to do it? I've never baked a wedding cake before." Allie looked at her curiously. Over the past few weeks they had baked a lot of different things so that Lily could improve her baking repertoire. James had been very pleased at the fact that Lily was keeping Allie busy, but also because he had loads of different cakes and biscuits to try. 

"I think we could yeah! Rose has said that she doesn't want anything too grand and I think if we practice we could do it." Lily smiled enthusiastically. Lily's enthusiasm had always been something that had impressed James about his sister. She was fiercely determined when she set her mind to something and she always completed everything to the very best of her ability and more. 

"I think you two would do a fantastic job, i've tried everything you've baked over the last few weeks and they've all been lovely." His Mum gave them both a polite smile.

"Thanks Mum!" Lily grinned. 

"I have to agree, i've thoroughly enjoyed everything that you've baked." James agreed.

"Well let's give it a go then! Check with Rose first though." Allie gave him a small smile. 

"You two should start your own baking business, i've never seen two people work so well together." His Mum grinned, showing that she was joking. However, Lily suddenly gasped and grinned widely.

"Yes! I would love that! Dad keeps saying that I need to find something to do other than a Saturday job in Uncle George's shop. I can see it now Alivia & Lily's Cake Creations." Lily grinned and was practically jumping up and down in her seat in excitement. 

"One step at a time maybe Lily." Allie laughed, sharing an amused look with James.

"I'll take that!" Lily beamed in response.

"I think it should be Alivia Lily's Cake Creations, not too much of a mouthful." James suggested, a smile on his face. He could really see Allie and Lily working together. 

"Oh I love that! I knew you were good for something James." Lily smirked.

"And what type of cakes would you sell?" James shot his Mum a glance. Was she seriously encouraging Lily further?!

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