Chapter 41

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James grinned as Fred threw his hands up in defeat. He had just beat him at Wizards Chess for the third time in a row and it seemed that he had finally given up. 

"How on earth do you keep winning?!" Fred cried, pushing his chair back away from the dining room table. 

"I'm just very good at this game. Uncle Ron trained me well." James shrugged. His Uncle Ron had spent hours playing Wizards Chess with him when he was younger and he had taught him all of his tips and tricks. The only person who could beat James was his Uncle Ron himself and Rose. 

"I can see that." Fred rolled his eyes. 

"Hey, did Allie tell you where she was going?" James asked, suddenly looking around for a sign of her brunette long locks. 

"No, but she'll probably be with Eliza somewhere." Fred shrugged, pouring himself a glass of fire whiskey and sitting back down at the dining room table in their Grandparent's Kitchen. James knew that he was probably right and motioned for Fred to pour him a glass as well. 

"Speaking of Eliza, how did you leave things at Izzy and Dan's wedding?" James asked, smirking at his cousin. Fred suddenly blushed, something that James had never seen him do. 

"Well, we got on really well at the wedding just talking and that, you know. I see what you mean about that Morez charm, she suddenly became a new person to me. I only remember the annoying Eliza Morez who used to roll her eyes at us for pulling a prank on her and Maia Little, do you remember her?" Fred asked.

"I do, she and Maia used to pull the same prank two weeks later and hope that we didn't notice." James laughed, remembering the pair well. Each of the Morez sister's were very different. Eliza was the prankster and loved to pull pranks on everyone and anyone. Izzy was the academic one, she used to study for hours and she was generally found in the library. Then there was Allie, who was the sporty one. She loved Quidditch and always had and that was something that had drawn him to her. 

"Anyway, she was like a different person and suddenly I was flirting with her and she was reciprocating." Fred smiled a little. 

"Sounds like you've got it bad mate. Must be something about those Morez sisters that sends us Potter's and Weasley's mad." James grinned.

"We're going on a date next week, so i'll let you know." Fred shrugged as if it was nothing. 

"Seriously? That's amazing news mate!" James smiled at this cousin. He was genuinely happy for Fred, he hoped that he and Eliza could find happiness together. They were a perfect match in his eyes, Allie had agreed. 

"Thanks mate, i'll keep you updated" Fred smiled "Speaking of Eliza, i'd best go and see where Mason is because I promised i'd watch him." 

James shook his head and laughed as Fred took off out of the back door towards the Marquee where he hoped Mason was with the rest of his family. He stood up from his seat and was about to walk into the sitting room when he heard voices behind the door. He quickly stopped and stayed where he was when he heard Eliza and Allie talking. He was about to walk away when he heard something that broke his heart. 

"How are you, really?" Eliza asked Allie. 

"Honestly? I'm terrified Eliza. Melissa is dangerous and after the writing on the wall in the apartment it has scared me because I know that they can get in." Allie explained, sighing.

"But James and Harry put extra protection on the apartment didn't they?" Eliza asked.

"Yes, but it all comes back to me in my sleep Eliza. No one knows this but i've been having nightmares most nights. Everything that happened, that room, Emilio's face, Henry's face and Melissa's face keep coming back to me and they are terrifying. I'm surprised I don't wake James up when I wake up." Allie explained. Why hadn't she told him? He could do something to help her surely? How had he missed this?

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 27, 2023 ⏰

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