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"It's going to be okay." I whisper to myself as I wipe my sweaty palms on my black jeans.

I stand up and paced around the waiting room. A few years ago, My dad was diagnosed with cancer. My life fell apart then. I spent every awaiting second with him, I couldn't lose him. If I lost him, I would lose myself.

My dad's cancer was thankfully treatable so we moved from Arizona to California for the best medical treatment. I am waiting for the last test which should hopefully guarantee his cancer has gone for good. My phone buzzes in my pocket, I briefly read the message from my mom.

Mom: we'll have a serious discussion when we get home.
Mom: skipping school? Seriously.
Mom: I expected better from you.

I was waiting for these messages. I didn't reply to any of them, I didn't have the time to worry about my mom's reaction to me skipping school for my dad. She should know better, I would do anything for my dad. That includes celebrating him being free of this illness. That being said I bought a cake, and some of my friends from school and my boyfriend are at my house right now, organising a surprise party. 

I sit back on the chair, my leg shaking out of unease. I felt like I had been waiting way too long. A simple test should not take this long, right? What if it's come back? What if he got worse?

The sound of my phone ringing snapped me out of my thoughts. Elliot

"Elliot, what's wrong?" I ask.

"We're nearly done decorating the house, what's up with you?" he asks, his voice full of concern. I couldn't help but smile. Elliot's care for me always soothed me.

I sigh, "He's still in the hospital room and I'm scared."

I hear him sigh, "Baby, It's his last test maybe it takes a bit longer to assure the cancer is fully gone." he points out.

I nod my head, "You're right."

"Kendall's here I gotta go." he quickly says before hanging up.

The nurse comes out of the room at the same time and I put my phone in my pocket and stood up as the nurse approached me.

"Your dad is ready to see you," she says with a smile.

I smile at her and walked into his room.

"Hey munchkin." he smiles and I ran into his arms and he hugs me tightly to his chest.

"I was so scared, what did they say?"

"It's gone, I'm okay now." he whispers.

He's better. He's okay. I hugged him tighter. He won't leave me now. My vision started to blur, and he wiped my tears away. "Don't cry munchkin."

"They're happy tears I promise." I say, smiling.

I talked with my dad for a few minutes long and he asked me to go find the vending machine to get some chocolate for him. I pull my phone out to call Olivia. She answered hastily. "Hey, is he okay?" she frantically asks.

"Yes, he's okay now."

"Thank God." she squeals on the other end of the line. "Tristan and I might come down soon."

"Please do."

I talked to her for a little while longer and eventually she had to go. I walked into the hospital room, my mom sat besides my dad. "Hey, mom."

"We need to have a serious conversation later on." she says, raising a brow.

I grin sheepishly and handed my dad the other chocolate.

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