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The days that I felt like I saw her were the worst. Every laugh that sounded similar to hers I would turn to look for her but it was never her. I had taken a few of her things like her bracelets. It reminded me of her a lot and it was the only happiness I could feel. I haven't slept well in weeks. It was only now that I realised I had only slept when I was with her. After years, it was Alyssa who solved that problem. She was the reason my mind would relax at night.

Liv moved in with us temporarily. Her mom isn't doing well and Liv isn't well herself to deal with it. We all help each other around the house but no one dares to speak of her. It's strange. It's like we're walking on eggshells around each other. Justin and I spend every spare moment we have at the police station, they haven't found much. Elliot has disappeared with her, but I know we'll find her. This can't be the end of us. I didn't even tell her I loved her, I'm going to let her know that. She has to know that.

I threw my bag over my back. My mom is forcing me to go to school. There's no point in arguing, she doesn't have a choice. I hadn't been back to school for weeks.

I spray her perfume on another of my hoodies. As weird as it sounds, it was the only thing keeping me sane.

I get out of my car. It's the first time I've been in here since she went. I inhale a deep breath before kissing the bracelet on my wrist. "You're with me somehow." I mutter.


The teacher was just as surprised to see me. I didn't smile or even say hello to anyone. I slouch in my chair, I wish she was here. She would tell me to smile and be happy but how could I? It's impossible to do either of those things when she's not around. "Ezra." the teacher says approaching me.

"Are you okay?" she asks.

The whole school knows about Alyssa's disappearance. Mainly due to the missing posters that Olivia and Tristan put up.

"As okay as I can be." I whisper.

She gives me a sympathetic look. "Well, you can move around to sit beside someone if you want."

I shake my head. "I'm okay here."

She nods before walking back to the front of the class. The hour passed awfully slow. When the bell rang, I dash out of the room. I refuse to pass my locker. I stood slouched against a random locker on my phone. Someone approaches me, I looked up at Adam. This ought to be fun.

"What," I say.

"I have news. I don't know what's going to happen to me if I tell you this but I have to."

I pocket my phone. "What do you mean?"

"I think I know where she is."

I could feel my heartbeat in my ears. "Where?"

"A few weeks ago when I was with Elliot. He took me to this house. It's up tree hill road. His grandma used to live there until she died, he mentioned how Alyssa wanted to go there when they were together."

I couldn't believe what I was hearing. I fist my hands and walked off. "Ezra." he calls out.

"What." I say, not facing him.

"What are you doing?"

"I'm getting her back."

I hear footsteps follow heavily after me. "Wait." he says. "I'm coming with you."

I didn't refuse. It's smarter for more than one of us to go. Even though, I despise him. Alyssa is more important.

As we were driving to the destination, we called the cops to meet there. I looked down at the GPS which told us we were five minutes away. We parked outside the house. It was a simple white house, you would never imagine someone would be inside fighting for their life. "Where the fuck are they?" Adam says.

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