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I shifted uncomfortably in my sleep, and an ache formed in my lower stomach, I cuddled closer into my sheets until I felt the fabric of the blanket rub against my bare breast. I adjusted my eyes to the light peering into my room and I sat up. It wasn't until I looked down at my bed that I realised I was naked.

My sheets had blood stained on them. My mind was foggy. My mind went into a panic. My eyes darted across the room, trying to remember what happened. How did I end up like this? It wasn't adding up. A piece of paper was on the foot of the bed. I tried to reach for it and winced as I felt my body sting. I glanced down at my body, bruises scattered over my body, going from my neck to my thighs. Blood poured out of a cut formed on my stomach.
I eventually reached the note, I grabbed it with my shaky hands.
That's all I wanted from you.
- E

Tears brimmed my eyes. No. Please no. Breathe. I couldn't breathe. My cheat tightened with every breath I tried to take.
A low knock came on my door, I couldn't react. I couldn't even hide my body. I was frozen. I was too horrified to even respond. The bedroom door creaked open and my mom walked in with a smile that soon faded once she saw me. Her eyes shifted from me to my bed. Tears filled her eyes. what the fuck happened? Why is she crying? She rushed to me and hugged me tightly and I winced. Don't touch me. Please don't touch me.
That's what I wanted.
My own mother's touch made me sick.

"Mom," I croak out.

"Sweetheart, it's okay, you're okay," she reassures rocking me in her arms.

She quickly grabbed my clothes from the floor and dressed me. My skin stung from the contact of the cut on my stomach and the fabric.

"Mom, why are you crying?" I mutter, tears pouring out of my eyes.

"Shh baby, I have you now," she whispers.

"Justin." I hear her scream. My dad's face distorted into horror, his face started to blur, and my mouth opened but no words came out.

What's happening to me?



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