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"Smile." I grinned.

Ezra clenches his jaw before pushing through another smile. I force him to stand at the gates of Buckingham palace. He wasn't amused at all.

We graduated school, the day after we went straight to Paris, best three weeks of my life. After that, we went to London. Our summer has been amazing, we've spent every second together and I don't regret it. I bought many gifts for everyone back home.

I scroll through the photos on my phone smiling. "You look handsome." I say once Ezra wrapped his arms around my waist.

"I know, buttercup."

I playfully roll my eyes. "Where to now?"

"I was thinking we could go to that museum I saw you looking at the other day."

"That would be nice."

He kisses my cheek. "I love you."

"I love you more buttercup."


After we went to the Museum, we headed back to our hotel room to get ready for the reservations for tonight.

Something about tonight felt extra special so I wore the same red dress I wore on our first date. Ezra knocks on the bathroom door. "You ready sweetheart?"


He opens the door, his jaw slightly drops as he took on my appearance. "You wore that dress on our first date." he states

I hold the hems of the dress, "Is it okay? Is it too much for tonight?" I couldn't help but feel a bit insecure. He wasn't saying much but the way he was staring at me made my stomach heat.

"No, it's perfect. I just can't believe how beautiful you are," he reveals.

My cheeks blush. "Thank you."

He slowly walke toward me, I look back in the mirror and made eye contact with him through the mirror, his fingers brushing against my shoulder.

"You look nice." I compliment.

My eyes wander to his black suit. "Thank you."

I apply red lipstick to my lips. I smack my lips together, and turned to Ezra. "I love that colour on you." he says, staring at my lips.

"And I love you." I grin, pressing my lips against his.

When I let go, his lips stained red. I laug and began to rub it off. "Leave it, I want everyone to know I'm yours." 

I smirk. "If you really want everyone to know you're mine." I lean closer so I could whisper in his ear.

He tenses, thankfully with my heels I could reach his shoulder. I kiss his neck, letting my lips linger along his skin.

I pull away, smirking at the red lip imprint on his neck. "Everyone will know now."

His blue eyes grew dark and I clear my throat, looking down at my invisible watch. "We must go, our reservations are soon."

I walked away just for him to pull me back by the wrist. "The reservations can wait." the bathroom counter hit my back, and Ezra's hands cradled my face as he tucks the loose hair behind my ear. "Did I mention how beautiful you are?"

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