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When I woke up and Ezra was asleep his hand resting on my waist, my head resting on his chest. The barrier was completely destroyed.

I may have literally jumped out of that bed. Thankfully, it didn't wake him. I head downstairs and Jennifer was making breakfast.

"Hey sunshine." she teases.

I rub my face with my hand. "Hey," I reply.

"Breakfast is coming up. What are you feeling? French toast?" she asks, her eyes creasing as she smiled.

"Whatever's easiest." I smile.

"French toast it is."


Like Ezra and I had talked about last night. He arranged a face time call with Kara. I sat in my room at my desk, using Ezra's laptop. The call dialled for a few seconds and she picked up.

"Hey trouble." she smiles, her blonde hair was out. She pushes her glasses up the bridge of her nose.

"Hi." I smile.

"How've you been?"

"Lifes been a bit crazy."

"So I've heard." she saidays.

"We have a lot to talk about I suppose." she says. "I take it you've made a few friends. Finally taking my advice." she says with a small grin.

"Yes, I have. They've been really supportive."

"That's amazing."


Ezra and I drove to Liv's house. Tristan was already there and Liv told me Daisy wanted to see me. I got out of the car and practically ran to the door.

I knock twice and the door swung open.

Daisy's mouth drops as she stops playing with the teddy in her hands. I crouch down to her height. "Hi." I say in a whisper.

She didn't hesitate to throw her arms around my neck. "I missed you." she says.

"I missed you too."

After a few seconds of us hugging she eventually let go. "Now you won't be upset anymore," she tells Ezra. He laughs and she whispers in my ear. "He's been so sad since you've been gone."

"Oh has he?" I whisper.

She nods. "Very."

I look over at Ezra who was now talking with Tristan but his eyes were on me. "I'm back now." I say.

"I'm happy now." she smiles. "Follow me."

She grabs my hand and pulls me to her room. I look at Ezra who watched us in amusement.

She picks up a piece of paper. "Are you ready?" she asks, holding it up to her chest.


She flipps it around and smiles. "It's you and Ezra."

I take the picture and grinned at the stick figure of Ezra and me. "This is beautiful."

"You are at the castle and Ezra's saving you," she says, as she points at me locked in a tower and Ezra in a soldier costume on a horse. "Like the movies." she smiles.

I held it to the chest. "I love it, Daisy. Thank you."

She threw her arms around my neck again. "I was going to give it to Ezra because I don't like seeing him sad."

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