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Alyssa has been hospitalised for a bit over a week. I've spent every moment with her from the second the doors opened for visiting times and the second it closes.

Alyssa isn't too fussed that I'm here. I might even assume she enjoys my company but I don't think she would admit it.

She is still recovering. Mentally and physically. Thankfully there haven't been any more unusual bruises. She doesn't talk much about what happened in there, I guess she is scared or she doesn't want to relive it but as Justin advised. I'm going to be patient.

The doctor was currently taking her blood. "If all goes well, we can assume you will be on your way home in a few hours."

Alyssa wasn't even acknowledging what the doctor was saying. She turned pale. "You alright?" I ask.

She looks at the doctor who was setting up the injection. "Needles," she mutters.

She's scared of needles. Fuck. How could I forget?

"You ready?" the doctor asks.

I sit on the edge of the hospital bed, I call out Alyssa's name but she didn't look at me, she eyes the needle in the doctor's hand. "Fuck." I murmur.

I reach out for her hand, my fingers brushing against her knuckles. Her eyes shoot to mine so fast. "Look at me, there we go," I say, staring at her beautiful green eyes.

She looks down at my hand in hers. I hadn't even realised this was the first time I had touched her, I slowly began to move my hand away from her until I felt her bring my hand back and intertwine our fingers. I look up at her and she avoids my stare, instead she looks down at her hands. My throat was drying up, I force my eyes to look at the doctor but my heart was racing. Her hand was on mine. She initiated it.

"There we go. All done." the doctor says.

She removes her hand from mine, leaving me cold. She looks back at the doctor and politely thanked him.

"So if all goes well, I'm assuming you could be discharged tonight." the doctor reiterates before leaving the room.

She lightly smiles. "That's good."

"Should we watch a movie to pass the time?" I ask.

"Tangled?" she asks.

"If you want to."

She smiles at me. I fucking love her smile.


I stand in the corner of the room as Justin signed the discharge papers. Alyssa was finally coming home.

"And we're done. If you feel any recent pain please call us. We have talked to your dad about hiring a therapist, if you would like that. We do care about your mental health and the impact this can cause on you." The doctor tells her.

She nods. "Thank you very much."

He smiles at her. "Take care Alyssa."

He nods at Justin and left the room. "I'll bring the car around."

"Okay," I mutter.

I brought a pair of sweatpants and a sweater for Alyssa to change into. She went to the bathroom to change whilst I packed a few of her things like the get well soon cards.

"You ready?" she asks.

I turn around to see her. She wore my grey sweatshirt and matching pair of sweatpants. I love it when she wears my clothes. She wore them better than I ever could.

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