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My parents had left for California. As of right now, Maddie and I are going out. She offered to help me buy essentials for school. Liv wanted to come but her mom wouldn't let her, but we're going out later so it should be fine.

Maddie and I came back and I brought a few things. I was in my room, setting it all out. A knock interrupted me. "Come in."

Ezra pops his head around the door. "Hey." he says.

"Hi," I reply.

He walks in, holding a shopping bag.

"What's this?" I ask, eyeing the bag in his hand.

"Open it." he smiles, holding the bag out for me.

I take the bag suspiciously and slowly opened the bag. Oh my God. He didn't. I pull out the dress that I saw in the shop.

"You didn't." I held the red satin dress in my hands, admiring it.

He gave me a huge grin. "You wanted it."

"Oh my God Ezra. Why?"

"You wanted it and you're stupid for not even buying it in the first place. You would look beautiful in it." he shrugs.

My cheeks warm and he chuckles. "Thank you Ezra. It means a lot."

"No problem, you better wear it."

"I will." I reassure him.

There's no way I'm wearing it. How could I? Not with the amount of scars across my legs and arms. It'll make me look and feel ugly. I can't help but think of the number of people who would point and laugh at me. The girl with the scars. I don't think I can do that to myself.

"I'm going over to Liv's." I say.

"Oh, I'll drop you."

"No it's fine you don't have to."

"I want to."

I shrug and grab my bag. Ezra follows me out as we walk to his car.

We drove in silence to Liv's house. My phone alerts and I grab it, opening my message.

Dealer: i'm in Arizona. Meet at elm street park at 8.

Me: I can't today.

Dealer: you aren't getting the pills then.

Fuck. Ezra pulls outside Liv's house. "Thank you."

He nods and I got out of the car. I knock on the door and liv opens it with a smile. "Hey."


"Come in."

I walk inside her house. It was still as clean as it was before. Daisy was in her bedroom. "I'm gonna shower and then we can go out."

"Okay." I smile.

She walke away and I sit on the couch, on my phone.

I heard some pretty heavy footsteps. I turn around to see Vanessa walking outside of her room. "Hey." I sat.
She didn't reply. I slowly stand up to face her. She didn't look like herself. Something was wrong. "Vanessa," I say, reaching out for her arm.

Seconds later, she pushed me against the wall. Her hands closing on my neck. I couldn't breathe. Her face faded. It wasn't her hand on me, it was Elliot's. I blink my eyes a couple of times. She was saying something to me but I couldn't hear.

"What." I choke out. Tear brim my eyes as her hand tightens.

"Where. Is. My. Alcohol?" she grits through her teeth.

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