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"Ha, I won." my dad yells enthusiastically at Ezra.

They have been going off at each other for too long, they went from playing monopoly to cards and now chess.

"Actually.." Ezra murmurs quietly to himself, moving his queen and putting my dad in checkmate.

"I won." he announces proudly.

"No way." my dad mutters in disbelief.

"Good game Justin." Ezra grins, holding his hand out waiting for my dad to shake it.

My dad looks at his hand and snorts, Ezra slowly retreated his hand in confusion before looking at me.

"Dad doesn't do that." I interrupt.

"Do what?"

"Shake hands after a game unless he wins."

My dad was the definition of a sore loser.

Ezra shrugs, "I still won." he mumbles.

"I'm ordering pizza, what do you guys want?" Jennifer yells from the kitchen.

"Margarita." I say.

Liv and Tristan asked for a Hawaiian whereas Ezra asked for the same as me.

"So one margarita and one Hawaiian." Jennifer confirms.


I lay on the couch and scrolled through social media, my phone vibrated as I received a message.

dealer:  I'm on my way to Arizona, where do you want to meet?

Fuck. He's already coming. I sat up from my couch.

Me: Monday 6 pm, how much do I need to pay?

Dealer: $200

Thankfully before everything that had happened with Elliot, I used to work a lot until he made me quit. I still have some money left from that.

I walk to my room and laid on my bed and continued to scroll through my phone until I heard a knock on my door.

"Come in."

Liv walks in, "Hey, where did you run off to?" she asks, smiling politely.

"Just a bit tired." I lie.

She nods and sits on my bed next to me. "So is this a good time to ask why you ghosted me for 4 months and 2 days?"

"Liv." I sigh. "It's a pretty serious situation. I need you to promise not to judge me." I whisper.

"Alyssa," she says. "I would never in a million years judge you."

"It's all my fault." I whisper bringing my knees up to my chest.

"What's your fault?" she asks rubbing my knee.

"Elliot." I mutter.

Realisation drew in her face, "Oh God.. What did he do to you?" she asks concerned.

I shake my head, "After that you and Tristan left, he-"

"He got mad at me for hugging Tristan and he-" tears run down my face as my mouth closed up, stopping me from telling the truth.

"Stop. breathe. Don't tell me if you can't." she reassures.

"I'm so sorry." I cry.

"Can I hug you?" she asks in a whisper.

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