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I don't know how long I've been in this basement. Elliot comes in here in the day and night, he makes love to me at night and rewards me with food and water, I can't remember the last time I saw daylight. I hope Liv is okay. He promised he would keep her safe and I did what I needed, to ensure he would never hurt her again.

I lost myself that night. The night he violated my body again. I never reacted or gave him that satisfaction of breaking me.

Even when he isn't here I still feel him. His body against mine. His rough touch. His hurtful words, they don't hurt as much as my heart does.

He says no one cares that I'm gone but I don't believe it. Ezra cares. I know he does. He wouldn't give up looking for me that quickly. Elliot checks on my parents for me, he said they went out for their anniversary yesterday, which means it's May 2nd. I've been in this basement for over a month. My birthday's soon, but I wish it wasn't. Even if I do make it out of here, I don't want the memory of my birthday to be painted with this.
It hurts.
Everything hurts.

The door creaks open. "Good morning baby," Elliot says, placing a tray on the floor.

I stand up from the mattress, "Good morning baby." I mutter like I do every single morning.

He grips my chin tightly, "Louder." he grits.

"Good morning baby," I repeat louder.

I sit back on the mattress he gave me, I glance at the tray of food, a piece of toast with a glass of water. same thing everyday.

"I'm going out, I'll see you later baby."

"Goodbye baby." I whisper.

He smiles in gratitude.

He left and shut the door behind him.

I laid on the uncomfortable mattress, I closed my eyes and imagined him.  The one man I missed more than I've ever missed anyone in my life. The only person who appreciated me for me. The person who would go to hell if it meant I was okay.

The person I was slowly falling in love with until he was taken away from me.


He laid on his stomach on my bed, scrolling through his phone. The sun hit his left eye, revealing his beautiful ocean blue eyes. I lifted my phone and captured a picture of him.

"What are you doing?" he chuckled as he held his hand to the camera.

"Oh nothing," I smiled.

"Alyssa delete that." he said.


"You're infuriating." he muttered, with a small laugh.

"Wake up." a voice orders. I immediately stood up.

Elliot and two other guys were stood in front of me.

"Eli let me have a go with her." the short guy asks, with an unpleasant grin.

Fear engulfed me, the taller man smirked as his eyes roamed over my body. I looked down at my panties and bra Elliot forced me to wear.

"Eric say something like that and I'll kill you. She's mine." Elliot demands.

"Get out guys, I need a word with my girl."

They left and Elliot moves closer towards me, I backed up until I hit the wall. He moved closer and kissed me. His rough lips clasped with mine. It didn't feel right. at all. He bit my bottom lip ordering for me to comply. I open my mouth for him and I felt him smirk against my lips. He pushes me onto the rough mattress beneath me. it's happening. again.
Ezras words rang in my head,
You're strong enough buttercup.
Never let anyone underestimate your strength.

I'm strong enough.
I'm strong enough.
I'm strong enough.

With all my force I push Elliot off me, he looks at me shocked, and his fists tightened,  "You dare to defy me?"

"Elliot please not tonight."

"Baby, you're mine. I choose when to use you. I choose whatever you do. You live for me. Is that not what you promised? Don't make me take it out on your best friend." he grits.

I lower my head in submission. "I'm sorry."

"Let's see how sorry you are." he grins evilly.


"Swallow." he demands.

Tears pierce my eyes as I swallowed. His rough hand caresses my cheek. "Well done baby."

He let go of me and my body collapsed. My throat was in immense pain, "Elliot."

"Yes baby."

"Can I request a new room? I don't feel well."

"You can sleep in my room baby," he smirks.

I look at him sceptically, before nodding. I needed a better mattress, I couldn't deal with this one anymore.

He held his hand out and I reluctantly grabbed it, his tough hands tightened my small hand. "Are your friends here?" I whisper.

He shakee his head, "They've gone."

We walk into his room, I laid on his soft mattress, I felt to moan out of comfort. My back was so sore, I felt Elliot press himself behind me. "Sleep." he orders.

He grips his hand around my waist, I close my eyes and drifted off to sleep.

"Alyssa, wake up butterfly." A familiar voice whispere.

I slowly open my eyes, a pair of ocean blue eyes stared back into mine.  "Ezra," I whisper, as tears set in my eyes.

He smiles, "I'm here buttercup, I'm going to save you. You need to stay strong, I will find you and bring you back home. If you can I need you to try and escape from him." he says caressing my cheek.

A gunshot pierces my ears, as Ezra's body immediately fell.

My eyes shot open, I tried to sit up but his hands were clasping my waist. I sigh. It's a dream. Tears pricked my eyes. Even if Ezra isn't here with me, he's still there somewhere in my head.

I was so close to having the life I dreamt of, but it's been taken away from me. He's ruined me...again.

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