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Once we got the news that Liv had been found, we headed straight to the police station. I saw her sitting in an office with a blanket wrapped around her frail body. Her eyes fixated on the ground. I had never seen her look this numb before. I began to walk towards the office before an officer held a hand to my chest stopping me.

"Who are you? And where are you going?" he asks

"I'm that girl's closest friend and don't stop me from seeing her," I say, shrugging his hand off me.

I walk into the room, and liv pulls her eyes to meet mine. "Ezra," she mumbles.

I walk towards her, dropping to my knees to focus on her eyes. "What happened?" I ask.

"She saved me," she whispers, tears pooling in her eyes. 

"What?" I ask, confusedly.

"She sacrificed herself for me. She sold herself to him so he wouldn't hurt me." she cries.

My next breath came out strangled. This wasn't happening. I took a deep breath in. "She's going to be fine." I reassure.

"No," Liv says. "I don't think she will be. You didn't see what I saw Ezra. He made her crawl to him and beg." she says, in an emotionless tone.

My heart was breaking slowly. The door burst open, making Liv jump. I turn to see Tristan walk in. I stand up, I didn't even acknowledge Tristan, I slowly took steps back.
Alyssa's gone.
He took her.
I promised her I would keep her safe and I didn't.

Tristan headed straight to Liv, she stood up slowly and he wasted no time pulling her into his arms. She wept into his chest as he held his hand to her head, rubbing her head gently. "You're okay. God you're okay." I hear him say.

I left the room, I felt my back hit the wall behind me. I couldn't help but slide down in. My hand holding my head and I let it all go. I sob hard.
She's gone.
My Alyssa is gone.
I didn't protect her hard enough, and now he took her.

I couldn't even breathe. My body violently shook as I cried into my hands, I promised to protect her. Two arms wrapped around me, I didn't even dare to look at him. I knew Tristan was holding but I didn't care. I didn't care that I was showing more emotion now than I have in my life. I failed her. I failed Alyssa.


They sent out an alert for Alyssa and that motherfucker. We all got home, I open the front door. The warmth my house used to have was no longer there. It was cold, It didn't feel like home. Home was wherever Alyssa was, and now she's gone.
I walked straight upstairs, I heard someone calling for me but I didn't turn. I headed for her room, there must be something. Anything.
I sat on her bed, I noticed a photo frame on her bedside table. I slightly smiled, tears blurring my vision.

"Alyssa why." I groaned.

"It's just a photo." she laughed. I love her laugh. I love everything about her.

"Fine." I said, taking her phone off her. I swiped on the camera app and held the phone high. I wrapped my free arm around her shoulder and she cuddled closer into me, smiling.
I watched her through the camera, grinning at her smile.

I held the frame close to my chest. I needed something of hers, or I'm going to fucking lose it. I walked to her closet, pulling back every piece of the  clothing until I found it. My eyes softened once I saw the sweatshirt I gave her. I pulled it off the hanger, it smelt like her. I pulled it over my body, embracing myself in her scent. I grabbed the photo and took it back to my room.


The only noise that was made was the clattering of the cutlery. Everyone was quiet, as we ate dinner. Justin wasn't home, he hasn't come home since he found out that Elliot took his daughter. He's in pain, I can tell he blames himself, but he didn't know. I should have told him Elliot was back, I knew Alyssa wouldn't. My eyes wandered to Tristan's. He hasn't said anything since we got back. His food was still on his plate.

"You all right?" my mom asks, rubbing my hand soothingly.

I turned to her and nodded my head.  I'm far from all right.

The doorbell rang and I shot up from my seat and practically ran to the door, holding onto the last piece of hope that I'm going to see Alyssa but I didn't. I sigh as I saw Liv. "Hey Ezra," she mumbles.

"I don't know if i'm asking for too much but can we stay here?" she asks, her voice wavering at the end of her sentence.

I can't even imagine how Liv is feeling. She was there with Alyssa. She watched Alyssa give herself over to him to save her life.

"Of course you can."

She lightly smiles. "Ezzy." she squeals. I bent down to meet her height, "hey, princess." I smile, hugging her. Her warm arms wrapped around my neck, I close my eyes and hugged her.

"I don't like it when you're sad Ezzy." she says.

"I'm not sad." I try to reassure.

"Alyssa will make you smile. She always does. Where is she?" she grins.

My heart broke. She was right though. I had smiled so much whenever Alyssa was around but now she isn't. I have no reason to. I look up to meet Liv's gaze, she bites on her bottom lip and her eyes watered. Daisy doesn't know. I clear my throat and tried to make my voice and sound as straight as possible. "Alyssa has gone away for a while." I say.

"Why? Again?" Daisy asks with furrowed brows.

"We're not too sure trouble. She's going to be back soon."

"I miss her." she says, hugging me again.

I rub her back soothingly. "I miss her too. But guess who's in the kitchen?" I ask, trying to lighten her mood.

"Who?" she smiles.

"Tristan," I whisper. She claps her hands happily before running to the kitchen.

We watch her go and I stand up. "You okay?" I ask Liv.

She shakes her head. "I could have refused. She's probably going through hell right now and it's all my fault."

"No Olivia don't say that. You know Alyssa, she's unbelievably selfless. She didn't want you to suffer and I know she doesn't want you to blame yourself either so don't."

She nods, tears streaming down her cheeks. I pull her into my chest as she cried. "It's okay Liv. She's going to be okay. We'll get her back." I don't know who I was reassuring more.

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