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Everyone came to the hospital except Maddie. Liv's mom hasn't been back since and now that Daisy is in our hands one of us had to stay behind to look after her. Maddie volunteered, she said she was inviting a friend over as well.

I look around the waiting room. My mom and Rose sat next to each other, my mom held Rose as she cried. I notice Liv and Tristan in the corner of the hospital. I couldn't tell what was going on but Liv was upset. The only person who wasn't inside the hospital was Justin. He's been trying to hold it together but I can see past him. He's losing it. I stood up from my chair and walked outside. Alyssa has been in surgery for most of the day. The doctor promises to give us any news but she hasn't come out yet.

I exhale a sharp breath, cold air puffing from my mouth. It was getting dark, I could hear sirens in the distance. I look to the right of me and saw a man standing in the corner of the hospital, leaning against the wall. I knew who it was. I steadily approached him, he looks up to meet my eyes. "Hey." he says, then looked back down at the wallet in his hand.

I stand beside him, leaning against the wall. "Hey." I reply. He passes me his wallet and there was a picture of Alyssa and me when we were kids. We were at a gender reveal party and we had to hold flowers. Alyssa was mad that I held the pink ones and she had to hold the blue ones so she was glaring at me the whole time. I smile at the photo. I'm definitely going to show her this when she comes out. I take the picture out of his wallet and shove it into my pocket.

"Are you okay?" I ask.

"I don't know. I should've known that asshole would go after her but I didn't want to believe it. After everything he put her through, I honestly didn't think it could get any worse but it has." he pauses before meeting my eyes. I notice his eyes glossing. "You should have seen her when he did it the first time. She was a wreck, he ruined her. She never smiled or at least she did, but I knew my little girl. I could notice a fake smile from her genuine ones." he scoffed. "See how selfless she was, she was dying inside but didn't want to let me or her mom know. She smiled for us but she was far from being happy."

I sigh deeply. "I know she'll be okay Justin. She's now surrounded by people who love her. She isn't trapped anymore."

I didn't even want to think of the mental state Alyssa will be in after this. After hearing what she went through the first time, it hurts my heart to know that there's a chance she will be put in that same position again. If I could take away all her suffering and put it on myself I would.

"But you know what's different this time?" Justin aske, interrupting my thoughts.

I raise a brow, indicating for him to continue.

"She has you."

Those three words were the last words I expected coming out of his mouth. She has me.

"I know Alyssa. The last thing I want to do is speak for her but she loves you and she's scared of it. She's scared to give you all her love because of him. I know you're in love with her Ezra. It's as clear as anything, you need to let her know that. Remind her every day. I don't want my Alyssa to ever feel like she's not worthy of love because of that asshole."

"I will Justin. I can promise you that."

He nods and smiles in satisfaction. "Thank you." he whispers. "Thank you for treating her right. The reason we even moved from California was because I wanted to help heal the part of her that he damaged and I think that you can help heal that part of her."

I will do anything to help Alyssa heal. We decide to go back inside. Justin heads towards Rose and my mom. I approach Liv and Tristan. I look at Liv, her eyes were red and puffy. "You alright?" I ask.

She pulls her phone out of her pocket, passing it to me. My brows furrow as I look at an open conversation.

Mom: I have decided to leave. You were always more of a mother to Daisy than I ever was. I trust you will do what is best for her. Don't come looking for me. I'm not coming back.

My mouth parts in shock. She actually left. "Oh my god," I whisper. I look back at Liv and notice a tear streaming down her cheek.

"Come here." I murmur, pulling her into a hug. My heart hurt for her. I can't even imagine what she's going through. After what happened with Elliot, now her mom leaving. I gently stroke her back. "It's okay." I whisper.

Her body shook in my arms. This whole situation was fucked up. I lock eyes with Tristan and he looks down. I had to blink twice to realise Tristan was also crying.

I let go of Liv. "We'll get through this. Together."

She nods. "I know we will."

I hear a door swing open, I turn my head so quickly. I practically got whiplash. A doctor came out of the surgery room, taking off her bloody gloves.

We all stood up and hurried towards her. "It's done. She's okay."

Tears brim my eyes and I turn to whoever was behind me. Justin. His eyes were closed as if he was praying out of relief. He opens his eyes and pulls me into a hug. Is this what a fathers hug felt like? I close my eyes and embrace in his warm hug. He let go of me eventually. "Can we see her?" he asks, his eyes bright.

"She's asleep. We're moving her to a hospital bed shortly. She's lost a lot of blood so she'll probably be in hospital for a while."

I nod. "Okay, can I see her? I don't care if she's still asleep I just need to see her." I ask.

Her eyes softened and she lightly smiles. "Follow me."

I follow after her and we walk through a few doors. She opens one more door and I walk through. I felt to cry right there. Not out of anger or sadness but out of relief. She's alive and here. "I'll give you a second." she says.

I walk up to the bed and I sat on the edge of her bed. "Alyssa." I whisper, knowing she can't hear me but a part of me wishes she could.

I held her hand in mine and softly brushed my lips against her knuckles.

I stand up from her bed and walk towards the door, she'll be here tomorrow. I head back to the rest of them. They all separately went in to see her, not even to talk at her but just to see her.

I went back outside, relief flushed my body. She's alive. I wanted to scream it. I wanted everyone to know how fucking strong she is. I wanted everyone to know she was alive, especially him. I want him to know she's alive, even after everything he has put her through she'll survive it.

"Should we go?" Justin asks.

I sigh. "Who is taking Liv home?" I ask.

"Tristan is going to stay the night with her and we'll drop Daisy off."

"Alright then, let's go."

He nods and Tristan and Liv took a separate car and the rest of us drove home.


I offer to take Daisy home. Mostly because I couldn't sleep. I never could sleep but now that I know Alyssa is back home.

"Maddie told me Alyssa's back." she squeals.

We stop at the traffic lights and I used my forefinger to trace the line of my jaw. I couldn't help but smile. Alyssa's back. I look over at Daisy who was playing with the ends of her blonde hair. The resemblance between Liv and Daisy was eerie.

"She is back." I say.

"When can I see her?"

"Well Daisy, Alyssa is a bit sick so she's staying at the hospital for a while. She'll be back soon."

Daisy slumps in her chair. "I'll draw her a picture. She always loves my drawings."

"I know she'll love that." I grin.

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