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"The date was amazing." I smile, as Olivia parks the car.

Liv looks at me with a huge grin. "You look so happy." she murmurs and tears spring in her eyes, making my brows furrow.

"Liv?" I ask, touching her hand softly.

"I'm so happy for you, Alyssa. Ever since, you've been back it was like something had been missing from you but it's back and I love seeing how happy you are. Your spark is back."

She was going to make me cry. I lean over the console and wrappes my arms around her in a tight hug, sniffling as she hugs me back. "Being around my family brings me this much happiness. You, Tristan, Ezra. All of you."

She sighs and pulls away, wiping her eyes. "We should go to school." she laughs softly.

I nod in agreement and get out of her car.

"Jen asked me to invite you and Daisy over tonight."

"Yeah we're free. I bought her a new dress and she's itching at the opportunity to wear it."

"That's adorable, I'll invite Tristan." I say.

She pauses. "I'm not too sure about that." she murmurs and my brows rise as she stops walking down the hallway and I turn to face her. "Promise not to freak out when I tell you this." she adds.

"I promise."

"Tristan kissed me last night." she breathes out.

"What." I shout.

She blushes, her eyes darting to the people watching us around the hallway. "Shut up." she murmurs, as people watch us curiously. "Well I asked him to come over to look after Daisy because I had a date."

"You didn't tell me about a date."

"It was a last-minute thing." she defends.

"Okay then."

"And when I told him about the date, he refused to look after Daisy and when we were arguing, he just kissed me."

I grin. "That is so cute."

She rolls her eyes. "This isn't a movie Alyssa."

"Oh shut up, I've noticed how you look at him." I inform her.

"I don't look at him like anything."

"Yes you do, and as your best friend, I've noticed it. Here's my advice, tell him before it's too late. That was my mistake and I don't want you making the same one."

She let's out a heavy sigh. "We'll see."

We walk into class, Ezra wasn't going to be late so I sat next to Liv. Tristan sat on the opposite side of the room. I glance at liv who was already eyeing him. "Talk to him."

"What? No."

"Well, he is about to talk to Nicole." I lie.

Her head shot to Tristan, who was walking over to the front of the classroom. "Fuck no," she snarls, abruptly standing up from her chair. 

I'm honestly a matchmaker.

The teacher walks in a few minutes later and Liv came back to our desk and sat down. "So?"

"He didn't even mention anything." she mutters.

I sigh and soothingly rub her arm. "He's nervous."

She sighs before directing her attention to the teacher.

"Considering you are all seniors. Your last project of the year is to take home a newborn and care for them."

"A real one?" a boy at the back asks making the whole class laugh.

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