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Ezra's my boyfriend.
Those words sound crazy to say aloud.

Once we established our relationship status, it was time to announce it to the family. We sit at the dinner table. My eyes met Ezra's. He wasn't as nearly as nervous as I was. "I have an announcement to take," he starts.

I swallow nervously. I look at my dad who was smiling. "Go on." he encourages.

"I think it's about time to announce...that Alyssa and I are dating." he reveals.

There was a silence among everyone.

"About time." Jen exclaimes.

"You owe me $20." Maddie says to my dad.

"You guys made a bet." I say, shocked.

My dad mutters something under his breath and snatches $20 from his pocket. "Congrats Alyssa, but you know whenever he's been an asshole you can come to me." she whispers, tucking her money in her pocket.

I nod my head with a laugh. "Noted."

I look over at Ezra who was looking at me already. He hasn't stopped telling me he loves me and I fucking love it.

"I'm happy for you." my dad says. "But you know as her dad if you break her heart..."

"I won't break her heart." Ezra interrupts.

"Good." my dad replies with a smile.


"I can't believe your dad thought I would break your heart." Ezra mumbled.

I rest my head on his chest. "I know." I laugh.

"Wanna go back to school tomorrow?" he asks

I groan. After what happened with Nicole, I didn't go back, and that was nearly two weeks ago. Kara told me to give it some more time but I've realised that if I'm with Ezra, I'm more than happy. So if he's at school then I'm at school.

"Prom's in a few weeks."

"I forgot about that." I mutter, drawing circles on his chest with my finger.

"I have a serious question for you."

I lift my head to look at him. "Will you Alyssa Jones be my date to prom?"

A smile tugs at my lips. "Yes Ezra Grayson. I will love to be your date to prom."

He grins and I lean closer to kiss him. My lips met his soft ones and I melt against him. He tucks my hair behind my ear. "I love you." I whisper.

"Never stop saying those words."

"I don't plan on stopping."

"Well I love you more buttercup." he whispers and presses a kiss against my temple.

"Now I have a serious question for you." I say, resting my head against his chest. "Why do you call me that?"

He looks at me with lazy amusement. "You don't remember."

I shake my head. "When we first met as kids, I saw you with those peanut butter cups. I didn't know your name so I just called you buttercup. At first, it was a joke and then when I realised you got irritated by it, I used it to tease you."

"You were such an asshole." I laugh.

"I was jealous." he shrugs.

"Of Tristan." I laugh harder.

"In my defence, you were not giving me any attention, but when my dad used to be around he always told me to just talk to you but I was always scared to." he smiles.

I run my hand up his chest. "You don't talk about him," I say.

He sighs. "Not much to say, he left. I got over it."

"Ezra like you said it's okay to be upset."

"I know it is, but honestly I'm okay. If anything I'm angry. He left my mom so quickly it frustrates me, but I guess we're better off.  Have you seen how happy Maddie has been? My mom as well? That alone brings a smile to my face."

"I think Maddie is happy because she has a boyfriend."

"What." Ezra replies.

I frown. "Don't you dare tell her I told you. I don't want to break up with you just yet." I tease.

"Oh really?" he pulls me onto his lap so I was straddling him. His hand grips my hips as he shuffles so he could lean against the bed frame.

His fingers trace the scars on my arms. I had finally gained the confidence to wear short-sleeved shirts around him. He didn't change his attitude towards me. Take that Nicole.
One thing I don't think he realises I know is that he kisses my scars every night before I sleep. My scars don't make me feel as self-conscious as they did before but I'm not prepared to reveal them in public.

"Hypothetically speaking would you ever move out with me?" he asks randomly.

"Already planning our future?" I quip.

"I've been planning it since I was 10."

"Oh yeah," I say. "What were the plans?"

"Well if I remember correctly, you once said you wanted to live in a castle with a family of cats rather than a husband."

I chuckle and playfully slap his chest. "I was a kid."

"Well then..." his finger brushes up and down my waist. "Has the plan changed?" he asks.

"Well I don't think I would love a castle anymore and..." I pause. "Maybe a husband wouldn't be a bad idea."

He grins. "I accept the idea as long as that husband is me."

I chuckle. "Planning our wedding already?"

"Ah yes. Where do you want to go for our honeymoon?"

"I've always wanted to see the Eiffel tower."

"First destination. Paris."

"First?" I ask.

"We are going to travel the world, buttercup."

"That sounds incredible." I say, resting my hands on his shoulders.

I look over at the digital clock. "We should sleep soon." I say.

He nods, I shift off of him and curl my body to the side, I felt him press up against me. His hand tightened around my waist. his hands wraps against my waist. He kisses my shoulder. "Good night beautiful. I love you."

"I love you more."

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