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After restless sleeps in my car, and after many doctors sending me home because she hasn't woken yet. Today's different and I know that because I'm staring directly in the same, beautiful green eyes I love. "Alyssa." I whisper.

She looks just as shocked as I was. "Ezra," she says in a questioning voice, like she didn't believe that I was here.

I walk closer to her, my hand itched to touch hers. I sat on the edge of her bed, leaning in to caress her face. She flinched, moving away from me. My hand freezes and I slowly fist it before putting it on my lap.

"Okay." I murmur to myself. "How are you doing?"

She clears her throat and looks down at her lap. "It hurts." she whispers, tears glazing in her eyes.

It wasn't just her body that hurt. I knew that. "Do you need some water?" I offer.

I made sure to bring my bottle of water with me in the bag of things I brought. She slightly nods. I got off the bed and grab the water bottle slowly. I had only just noticed that the smallest actions made her jump, like the door opening. A simple fucking action made her flinch. What the fuck did he do to her?

I hand her the fresh water for her to drink. She holds it in her small hands and took a small sip. I put the bottle on the table beside the bed.

"Do you want me to call your parents? I know your dad will be excited to see you."

Her eyes lit up slightly at the mention of her dad. "Can you?" she slowly asks.

"Yes, baby."

She freezes when I said that. "I don't like that." she whispers.

"You don't like what?" I ask confusedly

"That word."

Baby. "I won't use that word. Okay? What about buttercup?" I tease with a smile.

She lightly smiles. "I don't mind that."

"Can I tell you something?" I ask.

She nods again. "Use your words," I say.

"Yes." she breathes.

I needed her to speak. It sounded selfish of me but I wanted her to talk, I hate how uncommunicative she was.

"He's gone." I simply say.

Those two words made her eyes water. "Really?" she asks, her voice cracking.

"Yes, he's gone. He's never ever going to hurt you again."

She looks down at her lap. "Thank you." she mumbles, eventually looking up to meet my eyes. I notice her fiddling with her hands.

I give her a tight lipped smile. "Hungry?" I asked.

She shakes her head. I grab a peanut buttercup from my bag. "You sure?" I ask, holding up the packet of chocolate.

Her eyes light up like a child. "I wouldn't mind eating one of those." she murmurs, playing with her fingers.

I laugh hard. She looks confused as hell as to why I was laughing. It was the most genuine laugh I've let out since she's been gone.

I open the pack of chocolate and passed it to her. She looked sceptical as she looked at the chocolate in her hand. "Can I eat it?" she asks.

"Alyssa never ask a question like that again, okay? Of course you can eat it."

"Sorry." she whispers, biting her lower lip.

I hate this. I hate how she has to ask before doing anything.

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