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We were watching a horror movie but I couldn't help but think of what happened in the kitchen with Alyssa. Something more than a breakup has happened between her and her ex and I needed to know what.

I glanced back at Alyssa, who was leaning on Olivia's shoulder. She was sleeping through the movie. Typical Alyssa.

I forced my attention back to the movie. Liv jumped at every jump-scare, I had to throw a pillow at her to shut her up in case she woke Alyssa up. Now I know Alyssa is one heavy-ass sleeper, she could quite literally sleep through a storm.

The movie eventually ended with the girl killing the guy as always. "Alyssa." Olivia whispers, trying to wake her up.

"No." I state. "Don't wake her up."

She looked down at Alyssa, who was still leaning on her arm. "How the fuck am I going to get up?" she whisper-yells.

Alyssa stirs in her sleep and I throw a glare at Olivia, who sheepishly grins. I gently hold Alyssa while Olivia stands. "Pass the pillow." I whisper.

Tristan lays a pillow on the couch and I carefully lay Alyssa down. I pull her legs up on the couch so that she was laying down. She shifts in her sleep and her dark hair falls onto her face. I couldn't help but brush it away. Her full lips were slightly parted as she snored quietly.

Words couldn't describe how beautiful she truly is. I grab a blanket from the drawers and carefully tucked it over her warm body, I turned back to Olivia and Tristan, who were staring at me with a delighted look.

"Okay, Olivia you sleep in Alyssa's room."

Her face contorts into pure terror, "What if I see the man from hush?" she whispers

I chuckle quietly, "It's a movie."

She rolls her eyes, "If I do fucking see someone, I'll make sure they kill you first." she grits before storming off upstairs.

I shut the main light but left the kitchen light on just in case she had a nightmare again. 

Tristan and I walk to my room, I set up a sofabed in the corner of my room for him, I sat on my bed and took out the packet of cigarettes from my drawer, I offer one to Tristan, who accepted it. I lit them up and we sat out on the rooftop again.

"So... You and Alyssa?" he says taking a hit of his cigarette.

I shake my head, "Nothing is going on between us."

"What was the little adventure you two had?"

I look at him with a raised brow, "Who told you?"


"She had a nightmare a few nights ago, when she screamed my heart dropped, it was worse than how Olivia screamed during that stupid movie."

He chuckles at that, "But I don't know, something happened to her I can tell." I add quietly.

"What do you mean?" Tristan asks

"Everytime someone touches her she flinches. She was crying earlier on and she had a full panic attack over her ex. Don't tell me you believe the reason for the sudden change." I list all these things.

To anyone else it would seem semi-normal but I knew Alyssa for years. Granted, we haven't spoken in the last few years but the Alyssa I remember would hug everyone and anyone. She was happy and now I have noticed this sad look in her eyes and it frustrates me.

"I don't know it seemed pretty believing," he says.

Exactly my point.

I shrug, "I just have a feeling there's more to it." I murmur.

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