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I am going to be using a drug called ampakines in this story. I have done a hell of a lot of research for any other drugs that would correlate with this storyline but I couldn't find any.

This drug isn't what it is in real life. I am going to just be using the name of it and changing the way it works.


It turns out I'm living with Ezra. It had been nearly a week since my mom decided on asking Jennifer if we can live with them and what did she say? she said yes.

And now we're on our way to Arizona. 13-hour drive. Fuck my life. My dad thought it was easier to drive and to be fair my dad loved driving, but me on the other hand, I can't sit in the same seat for too long, so only 3 hours into the drive I made my dad stop at the nearest diner so I can stretch my legs.

My dad handed me my food and my eyes lit up instantly.

"Thank you." I grin.

"It's okay munchkin." he smiles back.

We continued our drive and after many pit stops and many naps, we arrived in Arizona at 7 pm the following day. I jump out of the car and my legs were numb.

"I am exhausted." I breathe out, stretching my arms.

"Exhausted how? What did you do?" my mom laughs.

"if you must know, sitting in the same seat cramped up with suitcases gets uncomfortable." I defend myself.

"Let's go," my dad says coming up from behind us.

My eyes widen as I look up to the huge, grey, modern house

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My eyes widen as I look up to the huge, grey, modern house.  This was not what I looked like before.

"Oh wow." I mutter under my breath.

If the outside looks like this, what the fuck is the inside going to look like. I walk up to their door and my mom knocks, my eyes studied the ground whilst we waited for a response. The door creaked opened and my eyes shot up to the door, Jennifer stood there with a massive smile. Her almond-shaped blue eyes stared back at mine.

"Oh my God," she whispers in shock, tears glazing in her eyes.

"I missed you guys," she greets, instantly grasping us into a group hug. I tried my hardest not to flinch but if Jennifer noticed she didn't make any attempt in showing it.

"I missed you too." I say back.

"Come in, come in, it's cold out here, we'll get your bags in a bit," she orders, wiping her tears.

We walk inside and warmth filled me. The house was an elegant stylish house with a connected living room and kitchen. We walked into the kitchen and she poured us drinks, mine was non-alcoholic whereas my dad drank a bourbon.

"Nice house." my dad compliments, looking around. My dad was a real estate agent so he had a lot of experience with viewing houses.

"Thank you, let's just say after John left, we decided to change the place. Ezra did most of it."

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