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I haven't left my room. At all. It was now the weekend which means I will be seeing Ezra more than I usually would. If I was at school I could have easily avoided him. I sigh before brushing through my hair, I rest my fingers on the temples of my head, massaging them.

After the party, I fell asleep in the car and woke up in my bed with a Tylenol and a glass of water on my bedside table. The only person who would have the sense to bring me that is Ezra. I grab my phone and headed downstairs once Liv messaged me telling me she was outside.

I walk into the kitchen to tell my dad where I was going. My eyes set on Ezra, sitting at the counter. He looks up at me. "Done holing up in your room?" he says, looking back down at his phone.

I lightly laugh. "I'm going out with Liv." I tell him.

"Be safe, message me if you need anything," he says.

"Okay," I reply. "Bye."

Was now a bad time to ask what our relationship status was? I mean we had just kissed. I turn back around to face him. "Ezra." I start.

He looks up, his blue eyes pierced mine. "I just wanted to know how...you know." I rub the back of my neck, as I watch his expression turn into an amused one. "Don't worry," I mutter, turning back to the door.

"Alyssa,"  he says.

"Hm," I say, not facing him.

"I know, we'll talk later buttercup." he says, amusement in his voice.

I smile so hard.


"So let me get this right. You kissed and now it's awkward." liv says slowly.

"Yes. What happened with you and that guy you were making out with?" I ask with a smirk.

Liv went red. "Well we were making out and it was so good until Tristan came and pulled him off me," she says in an annoyed voice.

I arch my brow. "Strange."

I don't think I should tell her that Ezra sold her out.

"He got mad at the guy and then he took me home." she checks her phone briefly and lightly smiled before turning it to me. I look at the 13 missed calls from Tristan and a knowing smirk tugs at my lips.

"He seems to care a lot about you." I say in a teasing way.

She hums, sipping on her milkshake. "Or maybe even jealous." I suggest.

She chokes on her drink, "Alyssa no." she says, wiping her mouth with the back of her hand. "He would never."

"That's what they all say." I laugh.

I tuck a piece of hair behind my ear and glance to the side of me. A man was staring at Liv and me, I politely smile at him and he smirks. The old chilling feeling returned from the last time I came to the mall, this time Ezra wasn't there. It was only Liv and me. Two vulnerable girls. He had the same scar on his eyebrow.
It couldn't be.
Oh fucking shit.
It was the same fucking guy.

"Alyssa." a voice says, pulling me out of my thoughts.

"Hm," I say, focusing my attention on Liv.

"Why are you zoned out?" she asks with an raised brow.

"Oh no reason." I lightly laugh.

We had to leave the mall now. I had a strong instinct to leave. I had to either call Ezra or Tristan to pick us up or we had to calmly leave the mall.

I could still feel him looking at me. Liv briefly turns to see the guy. She looks back at me with a raised brow and a worried expression, I look down at the table avoiding her eye contact.

"Alyssa. Who is he?" she whispers.

I shake my head. "I don't know, he's just staring at us."

She inhales a sharp breath before turning to the guy. "Asshole." she says, snapping her fingers and grabbing his attention.

"Why are you watching us like that? Fucking creep." she yells, grabbing the attention of the people around us.

"Admiring your beauty." he grins.

"Admire someone your age. Continue watching us like that and I'll have to resort to more harmful actions like calling the cops."

He scoffs. "What a bitch. Be a woman and accept the compliment."

She tuts her tongue. "Don't tell me I hurt your feelings?" she asks with fake concern.

I snort. He looks back at me with narrowed eyes. "You heard her, move your ass." I say.

He nods slowly, before muttering something which I think was "I'll see you soon." but I couldn't confirm as he had already walked away. I look back at liv to see if she heard what I did but she had an unbothered expression, meaning she hadn't. I was being paranoid. He couldn't have said that.

"Men these days." she mutters. "Name me one thing men are good for?" she asks.

I pause for a second attempting to think of an answer.

"Exactly." she grins.

I smile at her. She claps her hands together. "More shopping?" she asks.

She must have read my facial expression because she laughs. "Only joking. I think we've done enough." she says, looking down at the bags at her feet.

We grab the bags and head out to the parking lot. "Is Daisy prepared for her play tonight?" I ask.

Liv laughs. "Last night she was so frustrated that she didn't fully know her lines, I assured her it was fine."

"She'll be fine," I say with a smile.

We get into her car, I put on my seatbelt before turning to Liv. "Ezra and i will come to watch her. Pretty sure Tristan will come as well." I say.

"That will be great."


We stop at a red light. "I'll braid her hair," I say grinning.

Liv nods. "She's playing an angel." liv smiles.

"I can't wait to see her."

The lights turned green, Liv starts to drive a bit. A second later, a car was spiralling down the road. "What the-" liv starts, she turns the wheel to the side trying to dodge the car.

Once the car was gone, she says. "That was-"

She couldn't even finish my sentence before Liv's face distorted into horror. "Alyssa." she screams. I turn to my window, bright headlights scorched my eyes making me squint. Before I knew it, the car was flipping. I scream for Liv before my head hit the compartment in front of me. The last thing I saw before my vision blackened was a figure pulling Liv's body away from the car.

Then I lost it. Everything was black.

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