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I woke up with Ezra's arms wrapped tightly around my waist. I hurried out of the room. That was way too intimate for friends.

I finish brushing my teeth, I threw on a comfortable black hoodie and sweatpants.

I jog down the stairs. Ezra was sat by the counter, "Hey." he smiles.

"Hi." I say.

"Sleep well?" he asks.

"Yeah, you?"

"Pretty good."

A smirk lingered at his lips. "Wonder why." he mutters.

I ignore him, "About last night." I start to say, my fingers tapping the counter.

"No Alyssa don't. I know what you're going to say. I still see you the same I did before. Nothing has changed." he reassures.

My heart burst. "Oh," I whisper.

"Come eat." he says.

"Are you not going to school?" I ask him.

"Suspended." he states.

Oh. I didn't want to go to school alone. "You know you don't have to go to school. You can use the sick card."

"Okay." I say, turning around to find my dad.


Ezra and I spent the day at home, watching old romance movies. "I can get you a job at the library. We can work similar shifts."

I not my head in agreement. "I need a job. I haven't worked in a while."

He raises a brow. "Not even in California?"

"Well I worked at a cafe but then he made me quit because I drew too much attention to myself." I mumble, playing with the sleeve of my sweatshirt. 

"The more you tell me about him, the more I want to hurt him."

I lightly smile. "That makes two of us." I whisper.

Jennifer walks in and holds a hand to her hip. "I spoke to the principal and he said because it's your senior year. You can return to school tomorrow but you can't communicate with Adam at all." she says to Ezra.

He smiles. "Fine by me."

She shakes her head in a disapproving manner and leaves the room. "I guess we're going back to school tomorrow." I say, with a smile.


We walk into math the following day. "You are so annoying." I complain again.

"Shut up sweetheart."

I roll my eyes, my heart fluttered at his endearment. I saw Adam sitting at the desk we were at yesterday. Ezra nudged me, indicating for me to follow him but I couldn't. I had to know more about Elliot.

I held my finger up at Ezra, telling him to wait. I walk over to Adam, his eyes lit up once he saw me. "Hey." he says.

"Can we talk?" I ask.

He nods fervently, and moves his bag from the chair and I sat next to him. He had a few bruises on his face and I tried my hardest to ignore them. "From the start tell me everything." I say.

The teacher wasn't in the classroom yet so we had a bit of time.

"A few weeks ago, He came to me when I was at Basketball practice. He told me he knew where my mother was. I believed him and asked what he needed in return and he said he just wanted me to get to know you. He saw you with Ezra and got jealous or some weird shit but he just missed you."

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