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"I'm sorry I went with Ezra." I say.

Liv turned to me and scoffed. "Apologise one more time and I might kill you." she laughs. "Did anything happen between you two?" she asked.

"Well I held his hand." I sheepishly reply, placing my tray on the lunch table. To anyone else that would be nothing but to me it meant the world.

Olivia smiles proudly. "That's amazing Alyssa. You're warming up to his touch."

"I guess so." I smile back, a fuzzy feeling warming my stomach.

It was only Liv and me at lunch because Tristan and Ezra had basketball practice, so they weren't going to come until later.

Someone's hand slammed down on the table, directing both mine and Liv's attention to it. I looked over to see Nicole. Fucking hell. Her two friends stood behind her.

"Do you need something?" liv asked.

Nicole slid down on the bench to sit next to me and her friends sat beside Olivia. I looked at Olivia confused. "Why are you sitting here?" I ask.

She shrugs. "Where is Ezra? He was supposed to message me last night."

I gulp. He had her number? Liv probably noticed my discomfort and she nudged my leg underneath the table. "He was busy last night." I retort.

"Hm," Nicole says as she plays with her fake nails.

"Alyssa when are you going back? Ezra and I had a lot of fun when you left."

My brows furrow, if she's indicating what I think she is...He wouldn't do that to me, would he? I look over to Liv to see if she would give me any indication if whatever bullshit Nicole was saying was true but she looked as confused as I did.

"Those were all rumours." Olivia states to reassure me. "Ezra must have been drunk if he decided to sleep with you." Olivia sweetly states.

I look over at Nicole, who was smiling back at Olivia. "In fact, I think he was sober."

"When was this?" I gritt.

"Early March like 3 years ago, obviously it has happened more than once." she says.

This just keeps getting better. I left at the end of February. "Fuck you Nicole. Don't come here and sit here and feed me these stupid lies. Do you have nothing better to do?"

She tuts her tongue. "Dont tell me I ruined your relationship." she pounts.

I notice Ezra walking into the cafeteria, and Tristan walking next to him. "Fuck off Nicole. Do you honestly think I care who Ezra slept with?"

"Tell him to call me." she says before walking off.

Anger streamed in my body. Ezra sits beside me and I sip on my water. Tristan begins to speak. "Hey." Ezra says to me.

"Hi." I murmur, looking down at my tray of food.

"What's wrong with you?" he asks.

"Did you sleep with Nicole after I left?"

His eyes narrow. "Who told you that?" he asks confusedly

"It's a yes or no question" I grit.

His eyes soften. "I can explain."

I swallow hard. "No you don't owe me an explanation." I whisper back. "You can sleep with whoever you want to. We weren't together and we still aren't."

I look back at Tristan and Olivia who were still talking.


I walk into my math class alone. I lost Ezra a while ago. Nicole was sitting where she was last lesson and I sat beside Adam.

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