christmas chapter

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(this is set after the bonus chapter)


I grabbed the presents I bought for my Alyssa and tucked them under the Christmas tree. I felt two small hands wrap around my waist from behind and a smile crept on my face. "Merry Christmas buttercup." I said, turning around to face her.

She smiled back. Her hair was messy as if she had just woken up. She leaned in to kiss me but I stopped her. "Come here." I said, pulling her to the front door of our apartment.

She watched me with a raised brow and a confused expression and I soon pulled her in and kissed her. My hands held her head softly as we kissed. Her hands crept around my neck as she pulled me in closer. We pulled apart but my hands moved to her waist, holding her. "I love you." I whispered.

She smiled deeply. "I love you more."

"Why did we move from the Christmas tree to kiss?" she asked, her brow raised.

"Look up."

She looked up and soon her confused face altered into a smile. "How romantic of you."

"I thought so. Have you not heard? Kissing under the mistletoe grants you good luck for the rest of your life?" I grinned.

"Oh really?" she breathed in that sexy voice of hers.


"Maybe we should kiss more to guarantee that good luck." she whispered in my ear.

I tightened my grip on her. "I agree." I said before crashing my lips on hers. I felt her smile into the kiss and that made my stomach flutter.


"I called my dad and he said he wishes he could spend Christmas with us," she said, I could sense the sadness in her voice.

I put my phone down and sat at the edge of the bed with her. "What's wrong?"

She sighed. "Don't worry, Ezra. It's Christmas. I don't wanna ruin today."

"You aren't ruining anything, Alyssa."

Her eyes softened as she looked down at her lap. "It's my first Christmas without my parents. I'm happy that I'm spending it with you but I still miss them."

I caressed her cheek. "I know baby. We'll see them on New years, okay?"

She nodded her head. "I'm sorry." she said, resting her head on my arm.

I wrapped my arm around her and kissed the top of her head. "Don't be sorry angel."

If only she knew what I had planned. As she went to get ready I quickly messaged her friend Aya off my phone, telling her my plan and to distract Alyssa for as long as she could.


I stood in the kitchen, making our dinner and Alyssa walked out of our bedroom wearing a tight black dress. Her brown hair curly and a red lip. Holy fuck.

"I'm quickly going to see Aya, we're meeting at the cafe. I promise I'll be less than an hour." she said, walking towards me and kissing my cheek.

"Okay sweetheart." I replied. My eyes still roamed over her appearance. "You look so beautiful." I complimented.

She looked at me over her shoulder. Her cheeks tinted. I love it when she blushes. Especially when I make her blush.
"Thank you." she smiled.

I pulled her in to kiss her. My lips were probably as red as hers but I couldn't give two shits.

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