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"I have no clothes." I say, pushing through every item in my closet.

"Don't be dramatic," Maddie answers, walking to my closet. She picks out a simple outfit.

"Wear this."

I glance at the outfit she picked out. It was a white long sleeved cropped polo shirt with brown jeans.

"Fuck it

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"Fuck it." I murmur to myself.

"Thank you." I smile.

I quickly got changed. I'm going with Ezra and he demanded I was ready before 7:50 or he was leaving without me. What an asshole.

I walked back into my room, Maddie was sitting on my bed smiling at her phone.

"Who are you smiling at?" I tease.

"Um... that boy from my English class." her cheeks tint pink.

"I'm honoured you took my advice."

She smiles, I add the finishing touches to my makeup and grab my bag.

"How do I look?" I ask twirling on the spot.

"Beautiful." someone mutters from behind me.

I turn to face Ezra, who wore a blue sweatshirt and blue jeans. "Thank you." I mumble, heat crawling up my neck.

He clears his throat, "Let's go."

"Okay." I murmur and grab my bag.

Maddie gave me a playful smirk.

"Bye guys." she yells.


I put my air forces on and walked to the car, Ezra was already sitting in the driver's seat.

"Ready?" he asks.

"Yeah." I mumble.

The drive wasn't long at all, we pulled up to the school 5 minutes later. I stare at the towering building. I began to play with my fingers nervously.

"Alyssa, don't stress it."

I glimpse at Ezra who held a promising smile, "Okay." I say and got out of his car.

We walk inside the school, "Where's the office?"

"I'll take you."

We walked down a few different hallways, the hallways weren't as crowded as I imagined them to be, however, we were here way too early.

Ezra knocks on a door, a tall, familiar man stood at the door. "Long time no see Alyssa. Come in." he smiles.

I politely smile and gave Ezra a look telling him it was okay for him to go.

"So take a seat." he say.

"Okay." I sat on a seat opposite a desk and he sat on the other side of his desk.

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