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"It is at 6," Liv says.

"I don't know, I don't do parties," I mutter, closing my locker.

"I know Alyssa but I'll be there, Tristan will be there. I don't know if Ezra will though. He doesn't go to parties either."

I wanted to say if Ezra isn't going, I don't wanna go, but I didn't say that. Instead, I said. "I'll see."

We walk to health class. Ezra was sitting at a table alone, I walk up to him and smiled. He pulls out the chair for me to sit on. "Thanks," I say.

"Are you going to the party?" I ask.

He looks at me in surprise. "Are you going?"

"I wasn't planning on going but liv is probably going to get mad if I don't." I laugh.

"I'm going." he declares, turning back to his phone.

I thought he didn't do parties.



I finish my makeup with a nice red lip. "What dress are you wearing?" liv asks.

"I'm not too sure."

She empties a bag full of dresses. I rub my forearm with my opposite hand. "Do you have any long sleeve dresses?"

"Yes, I brought some for you."

"Thank you."

"Find one which you feel comfortable in. You would look hot in anything," she smirks.

I laugh. "Thanks."

She walks to the bathroom and I look over at the dresses. I found a black skin-tight dress, the sleeves were long and the neckline was pretty low. I held the dress high up.

I walk to the bathroom. I saw liv who was finishing her hair. She left the room so I could change.

Once I had pulled the dress over my body, I looked in the mirror. The dress hugged my curves like a second skin. My arms were completely covered, and the dress was short, but not short enough to see the scars on my thighs.

"When you wear clothes like that, it makes me crazy," he whispered in my ear.

"I'm sorry." I whimpered.

"I told you to change and you didn't listen to me," he said in a disappointed tone.

"I kno-"

He cut me off by shoving me to my knees, "Maybe if you weren't such a slut I wouldn't do this."

A knocking noise pulled me out of my thoughts. I blinked away the tears and muttered a small "Come in" to whoever was at the door.

The door creaked open, I locked eyes with Ezra. "You look so beautiful," he says in awe.

I blush deeply, "Thank you."

I turn back to face the mirror and I felt him walk behind me. His chest was pressed against my back. "What's wrong?" he whispers in my ear. His deep voice sent butterflies flying down my stomach.

"I don't know." I reply quietly. I tried to pull the ends of my dress lower. "It is a bit short, don't you think?" I say, tilting my head.

"Who cares if it's short?"

"But what if.."

Ezra cut me off before I could finish my sentence. "Alyssa I won't allow anything to happen to you. I'll be with you all night. Wear the dress, you look beautiful."

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