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My eyes slowly opened, adapting to the bright light peering inside the house. I tried to sit up but a pair of strong arms held me firm and my skin crawled. I tried to get out of his grip but it was too tight. "Ezra." I say, trying to wake him. I shift in his arms and a sickening feeling took over me.

"Stop moving so much." he says, as if he was in pain.

Oh my God. No. Something was pressed against my ass. "You could have woken me peacefully." he mutters against my ear.

No. Not again.

"I'm sorry." I choke out. "Please just let go of me." I practically beg him.

As Elliot would say, I was asking for it. I couldn't even count the amount of times, I accidentally grinded against Elliot and he forced me to take care of it in the morning.

Ezra immediately lets go of me and I shoot up from the bed. "I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to do that." I continue, I hadn't even noticed the tears running down my face. "Please don't-"

"Hey Alyssa." Ezra cuts me off, standing up with me. "It was an accident. You don't need to apologise." he reassures me.

I bite down on my bottom lip, looking down at the ground. "You won't make me take care of it?" I question, quietly.

Ezra freezes. "I would never do that to you Alyssa. You have my word."

I nod my head slowly. "Go to the bathroom and wipe your tears away." he says gently.

I nod my head and do exactly as he told me to. I just completely embarrassed myself in front of Ezra. Could I be any more obvious? I mentally slap myself before leaving the bathroom.

"Are you alright?" he asks, once I see him.

"Yeah I am. Are you?" I retort.

He nods. He doesn't ask any questions about what happened and I'm glad he didn't.

"Should we make breakfast for liv and Vanessa?"

"Good idea." he mutters, standing from the couch. The telephone rang.

"Hello." I say.

"Vanessa?" a voice replies. What happened to hello?


"You were supposed to pick daisy up at 9. It's 10 right now. I have plans. I can't be sitting around with your kid. Could you be any more careless?"

"Excuse me." I interrupt.

"You heard me."

What a little bitch.

"I'm picking daisy up now." I say. I look back at Ezra who nods his head.

I grab my keys and got into my car. I drove down to the house. Of course they live in a mansion. I open the door and get out. I knock three times and waited.

The door swung open. A average height women stood at the door. She had short blonde hair, she just screamed rich and ignorant.

"Oh Alyssa."

That makes sense. A whole of sense. I never hated anyone as much as I hated her. Her daughter was even worse. Nicole fucking bridges. My enemy.

"Why am I not surprised?" I mutter.

"You're still the same."

I tilt my head. "Unlike you, I don't need to change my personality to fit in with the rest of the stuck-up bitches you surround yourself with."

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