CH: 2

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"Shasha answer him with a yes!!" I heard Jeonghan's voice. I took a deep breath before speaking because I was close to crying.

"Yes!" and then he put on the ring on my finger, it looked pretty.

He was standing in front of me, he smiled at me, those dimples looking cute on him. He pulled me into a hug, I hugged him back, it's not the first time I hugged him, but this felt different. This hug felt, he wants to give me more comfort and warmth and wants to tell me I'm his. I inhaled his green aromatic scent, I won't lie, but I missed this. He was caressing my hair gently.

How knew, the guy with whom I fell in love, with I don't know when and how but when I realized, I was already in love with him and today, he is telling me he loves me and wants to marry me. There's nothing more I can ask for, today is one of the happiest day of my life.

I pulled myself apart, after hearing Jeonghan's voice calling my name. I was about to turn around but my earrings got stuck in his brooch, I looked back at Seungcheol, afraid of what he might be thinking. He was looking at me, with his adorable eyes as if they want to tell me a lot of things but he can't tell me right now. I tried entangling my earring, but it wasn't working, he did it, his fingers touched mine. His fingers stopped me from doing anything, "Shasha let me do this, carefully or else you will hurt yourself" 


"See, done. It didn't hurt right?" I looked at him and smiled "No and thank you"

I saw Jeonghan and Byeol coming, towards us, and then I looked to my front, it was Soobin and Joshua coming towards us, holding hands. They genuinely looked happy. Jeonghan kept hands-on Seungcheol's shoulders, soon Joshua joined this duo and Byeol and Soobin joined me.

"YAH, both of you informed me that you are going to confess to your love, but didn't tell me they are my sisters. Like what are we even best friends for? Right, Mr. Choi Seungcheol who is the CEO of Choi Empire and Doc Joshua Hong."

"If we told you then how it would've been a surprise to your sisters and YOU? But I didn't know Cheol liked Shasha?" Three of them smiled, they looked perfect.

"As if I knew you liked Soobin, only if I would've known..." and three of them laughed.

"But Shasha, you never told me about your love as well, you used to tell me all about your crushes but look at you now"

"Jeonghan STOP! This is your wedding, not mine." he will expose me very badly one day, with my everything

"Don't worry, your wedding is not very far, I will talk to mum and dad soon, and two of you be ready as well. Okay, Cheol and Shua?"

"Yes, since Soobin caught my bouquet so, she is the next, I am so excited for Soobin and Joshua" Byeol said and smiled looking at Soobin, and she blushed so bad, her cheeks showed pink tint. I hugged her tight, and noticed Seungcheol was force smiling himself...? Maybe I am wrong, I am overthinking.

HOPELESS LOVE [CHOI SEUNGCHEOL]Where stories live. Discover now