CH: 15

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We started walking, and everything looked so pretty at night, "were you sleeping before dinner?" I nodded and then looked at him, "I slept, Jeonghan told me he called me four times and then I picked up his call, that woke me up"

"Deep sleeper" he teased me and laughed

"Please, I think I was tired" I started looking at the road again.

"Sure, you were, it wasn't only Jeonghan who called you four times, before that I called you five times and you still didn't pick up, looked like you were in deep sleep. I told Jeonghan not to call you and tell someone to bring the food to your room, then he was like 'for that, she needs to wake up as well' face and then called you"

I looked at him, he was smiling. His smile looked so precious, I wanted to treasure it. I smiled at him, and we were just enjoying the night breeze, it was mesmerizing. The whole walk was silent and we saw people, it wasn't very crowded but it just felt people loved this spot a lot.

I wanted to click few pictures only if I had my phone, and then I saw the bridge. I held Seungcheol's hand and started walking fast-running a bit towards the bridge. His hand felt warm, I wanted to hold it forever. We were standing on the bridge; and I let go of hid hand, I was leaning on the railing. "It feels nice" I closed my eyes and said. I could feel his presence next to me, but I still didn't open my eyes. "You're right" I smiled at his words. I looked at the people, who were around us, everyone was doing whatever they should.

I heard a clicking sound from my side, and looked at Seungcheol, he was holding his phone with a smile, he noticed me and hurriedly kept his phone inside his pocket. I turned to look at the streets again, he leaned on the railing as well. "this is a pretty place"

"yes," I said softly, "it's really fun to have someone by your side when you're out in a place, specially when I go on business trips, it feels good to have someone with me when I want to go and explore those places, if me and Jeonghan are together then it's fine or else I usually bring my secretary."

Reminds me, it's only four of us and both of them are without their secretaries. "But where's your secretary?"

"He reached after us, on the next flight. He came with Jeonghan's secretary." I nodded at his words, "Why didn't they come with us, aren't they supposed to stay with you both."

"Secretary Hwang had some urgent work so he said he will come after us, and Jeonghan's secretary was also there, and both of them actually get along well so Jeonghan asked her if she will come with Mr. Hwang later, she agreed to him."

"Where are they staying?"

"With us but I don't know their room numbers yet and also the floor."

"I see", I nodded at his words, I know Jeonghan's secretary, she's too kind but I never saw Seungcheol's secretary. "All your queries are answered now?" I nodded and smiled

"one more!"

"Okay, ask" she looked at me, "when's your meeting tomorrow?"

"11 am, Jeonghan already mentioned earlier" it suddenly hit me, right he mentioned they have meeting at 11 am. "Ahh, right"

We stayed there in silence for a good time. It wasn't awkward, like the way we had back in Seoul most of the time.

"It's almost past midnight, do you want to go or stay here more for a while" I looked at him, "Past midnight?" I asked him in surprise, "Yes"

"You have a meeting tomorrow at 11 am, you need to wake up early, get ready, see the documents and everything" he looked so calm about everything, "It's okay, I brought you here because you wanted to come, so it's no harm if you want to stay here a bit more. Also, I will wake up early anyway and things are already arranged, both me and Jeonghan just have to meet our secretaries in the morning and tell them a few things, so don't worry too much about it"

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