CH: 5

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"Shasha, I am going out for lunch with my friend, is that okay?" Iseukie asked me. I turned back to her, nodded and smiled.

"I kept roses on the counter and there are more flowers, the ones we need today." Today's going to be a busy day for me. I need to make bouquets for weddings as well

"Don't worry, I will take care of them and go because you might get late. Bye"

"Bye Shasha, take care."

"You too"

"By the way...." I looked at her "Where is the vase, it had azaleas? I noticed it now, it was on the table. You even changed the flowers when they whither?" reminded me, I broke the vase that day because I was too angry and sad.

"That... it broke... two days ago..." I replied her walking towards the counter where she kept the roses.

"It was one of your favorite Shasha, after that two-flower vase full of erica heath and azaleas side by side on the payment counter."

"It's okay... Iseukie, now go. I don't want you to be late" I told her.

"Okay okay, bye" I waved at her from inside.

I started taking off the paper wrap and brought the scissors to cut the ends of the stems, to shorten them after taking off the excess leaves. Roses have thorns so I had to be careful.

'cream roses look so pretty' I smiled at my thoughts, doing what you like is romantic. Being surrounded by flowers is romantic and feels nice. The more love you add while making a bouquet for someone, makes you feel happier when you give a bouquet in person; because you know your hardwork is successful when your customer or the person who receives it, smiles.

I heard the wind chime, I was about to look back at the person, that's when I heard "Shasha", his voice still makes my heart flutter. I abruptly turned back, forgot the fact I was holding roses, and the thorn pierced through my skin.

"Ah" and I dropped the rose.

"Shasha!" I saw him coming towards me, I was still holding my bleeding finger. But the finger wasn't paining, when I saw him all the things, he told me that day came to my mind, it felt like it was happening in front of me. Looking at him was hurting me, he was hurting me.

"Where's the first aid box Shasha? Your finger is bleeding Shasha." Why was he sounding concerned, just why? He has no right to be concerned for me like this. He was standing in front of me "Tell me Shasha, it's bleeding"

I didn't tell him anything, I didn't even want to utter a single word in front of him, I know I am the one who decided to talk to him but now, when the time finally came to meet and talk to him. I don't even want to talk to him.

He held my hand, I jerked it back. He had that dominating look on his face, he knows how to make everything work, after all, he is the CEO. He held my hand tightly and dragged me to the sink. "let me clean the blood first and then we can talk" his demanding voice, I should never let it work on me and I tried taking back my hand, but he still put my hand under running water. How much I wanted to yell, I wanted to shout at him but I was unable to say anything to him.

He turned off the water tap and took out his handkerchief, wiped off the water. He dragged me outside, back to the counter where I was standing. "I know you have band-aids in the pocket of your apron" he just knows everything... everything about me and my things. Then how didn't he know.... about my feelings? He took the band-aid and wrapped it on my finger.

I didn't know how to start the conversation about that day, the silence was engulfing both of us. I wanted to tell him, everything's that's inside me but how could I tell him; there was no point of telling him because he would just say a sorry, just like he did that day and yesterday as well, he texted me sorry after I ghosted him for two days.


Both of us looked at each other, "You first" I told him.

"Umm... I wanted to tell you, be careful with your work and don't hurt yourself." he was just so straightforward,

"Why do you care?"

"Why are you saying like this?"


"I care."

"Since when??" I eyed him, he was simply just playing with everything now. Even though I know, why is he saying like this because he is always like that, caring for people and he cared for me as well but there's something inside me which doesn't want to acknowledge it and just want to get angry on him because of what he did. He took a step forward, "Shasha... I don't want to get in a fight with you, I am really sorry. If you want then we can just-

"We just what? Tell me? we just what?"

"I am really sorry... Shasha"

"Stop it, Seungcheol. Please stop it. I am sick of this word now." I was just done, and devastated. I told myself yesterday that I won't cry in front of him and won't show him any emotion but he was making it harder for me. "do you know, even this ring doesn't want me to turn back. I can't break the trust of people, you know what? you were correct, I would never want my family, and specially Hannie to be disappointed. I don't know how will Soobin react if I tell her the truth. That's why..... I agree...."


"Yes, I agree." I sighed

"Shasha... I know I somehow forced you in this I am sor-

"Stop. Don't say it anymore." I shushed him, "this was the only reason I wanted to meet you today, I wanted to tell you my decision because a relationship doesn't work with one person, another person have to give in, to make it work." I took a deep breath. No, cheol you didn't force me, it was me who knew falling for you would hurt me, yet I filled up my world with rough lies and they made me braver; I'm fine because it's you.

"Are you-

"Don't ask me if I'm okay, because this is how I feel." I looked away.

"Shasha- his phone started ringing. He picked it up

"Yes, it's after lunchtime." He paused for a while and spoke "Yes, I will be there soon" he looked at his watch and then hung up.

"Shasha, even though we are in a relationship just for people I will still take good care of you. I need to go now, there's a meeting and I can't be late. Take care" I nodded. He smiled at me, his smile melts my anger even if I am in my worst mood, his smile does everything to me that shouldn't do.

He was like a flower in darkness, although I'll get hurt if I get close to him; I'll still embrace him with my two arms. His thorns will pierce me, but I am okay because it's him.

I saw him going out of my shop, who knew that his love will do things to me. I wish I could stop caring about him and stop this but I can't even turn back now.   

Author's Note:

What's going to happen now? a happy ending or just messed up things? Will Seungcheol take care of shasha or things will turn messy? who knows?

Carats, CARATLAND WILL BE IN MARCH!! I CAN'T WAIT!! also falling flower, one of the best Japanese song, i love it so much, do you like Fallin' Flower?

hope you liked this chapter, happy reading and thankyou for waiting patiently <3

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