CH: 3

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"Shasha... I wanted you to know that whatever I did earlier was under pressure..."

"did what??" I was confused...

"proposing you for our marriage..." he sighed, I couldn't understand anything suddenly.

"What?" that was my very obvious reaction to his words.

"Shasha... I am... sorry" he was looking down, he wasn't even looking at me. he was unable to look at me, he just....

"Just wait for a second, what did you say? Can you please tell me everything clearly so that I can understand?" I know I was hurting myself... 

"I know I did wrong, I... am sorry... I like your sister, Soobin. I didn't know Joshua was going to propose to her. Joshua was ahead of me and since I already informed Jeonghan that I will propose to the girl I love; I was already on the platform, people were watching. After Joshua proposed to her and she said yes to the proposal I couldn't do anything and I had to propose to you... I am so sorry Shasha for dragging you in this. I am really sorry" he looked at me with his apologetic eyes, which don't lie.

"Why did you do this?" I took a deep breath before I could speak because my brain wasn't taking it in a good way. he just broke me into millions of pieces, he broke me.

"I was under pressure Shasha, and...

"We already started this Seungcheol... you already did this, in front of so many people, so MANY PEOPLE."

"I am sorry... but Shasha we have to make this work... because we can't turn back now."

"How, JUST HOW?" I tried not to scream, my head was a mess because I was unable to take all this in one go.

"Let's be together, even if it's fake... let's make it look real..."

"You want us to be in this fake relationship because... of people?" he was sounding absurd, even he knows it well.

"I know you can't let your family down and same for me, my family was present there and they like you already. Please Shasha"

"Seungcheol, do YOU EVEN HAVE ANY IDEA what are you saying? Marriage is not a joke, and you are telling me, we have to work together in this fake relationship just for our family and people? And I have to stay with you when you don't even love me?"


"Please tell me, this is a lie. Everything you just said is a lie and you're joking with me"

"Shasha... I'm sorry"



"Seungcheol please leave me alone."

HOPELESS LOVE [CHOI SEUNGCHEOL]Where stories live. Discover now