CH: 58

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I saw her dialing Jeonghan's number. “Jeonghan, I won't be coming home tonight” she paused, “I’ll stay over at Iseukie's house. It's too late to drive right now.”

“Goodnight then, see you tomorrow!” she tried to sound as cheerful as she could. Once she hung up the call, she looked devastated.

"I've no idea how many times, I am going to lie to him like this." She sighed again.

"Get some rest" I was about to get up, but she held my hand. "Where are you going?"

"I've some work, I'll go to the living room." I felt like telling her, to lighten the mood "Also, don't worry about anything here. This apartment is mine, I don't come here usually, but stay here when there's some business nearby or just need a small break, you know." She nodded and tried smiling. "Perks of being a rich CEO" she laughed a bit. "Yes, and you can see this CEO has some work to complete tonight, so go ahead and get some sleep" I leaned down to kiss her forehead. "Goodnight"

I went to switch on the dim lights and switched off the bright lights. I saw her getting on the bed and walked out of the room. I took out my Mac and started checking the information Secretary Hwang sent me about those people. I couldn't let those people move freely not after what they did with Shasha, they picked up the wrong person today and who knows how many victims were there and what more they did. I couldn't let them go away. I felt terrible for her because she had to go through that.

After mailing a few things to Secretary Hwang, I kept my Mac on the table and went to bring a water bottle. I walked towards the kitchen and drank water. I thought to take a bottle to my bedroom as well, because I don't think I kept a water jug or any bottle there. I was holding the bottle and tried walking slowly without making any noise because she might be sleeping.

But the moment I stepped inside my bedroom, I heard sounds and I stopped there. I heard another sob, and then another. I went towards the bed and got to the other side of the bed. She was covering herself with the blankets fully. "Shasha" I called her name and her sobs stopped for a few seconds I couldn't hear them anymore, "Shasha turn towards me" I tried taking off the blanket which was hiding her face and she slowly turned towards me. Her eyes were red but how could a person look so pretty when they cry?

"You won't believe me if I say this but how could you look pretty even when you cry?" she laughed, and she immediately stopped. I lay beside her and got into the covers. She was looking at me surprised. I wiped her tears, and looked at her. "Why were you crying?" she started avoiding my eyes.

"Shasha" I called her name, "if you don't tell me then how am I supposed to know?" she didn't reply to me, "whatever happened, already happened and I will never let it happen again." She looked at me, "Seungcheol" her voice was breaking down already "thankyou" my eyes softened when I looked at her, I couldn't imagine what she was feeling right now, I'm thankful that I was just a few blocks away, meeting up some friend today. I couldn't imagine what would've happened if I was just a few minutes late. "I didn't think you would pick up my call"

"How could I not? it's you who called. You called me" I looked at her, she looked so vulnerable right now, "I picked up, and that's when I heard your voice, I couldn't be late. I couldn't imagine what could've happened if I was late." I paused, "I would be anywhere and still pick up your call, because you're that important to me."

"All day, I kept on thinking about you, whatever was happening with us, and wanted to see you because I wanted to talk to you... talk to you.... about us but didn't think I would get to see you like this" she gave me a small smile, "I didn't even think you would pick up and come to me."

"I was a few blocks away from where you were, I was supposedly meeting up with one of my friend for dinner tonight. And when I saw you called me, I picked up." She looked at me, "Were you crying because of all these and thought I wouldn't come? Were your overthinking about the possibilities?" she again avoided me and nodded. It broke me, the way she was crying because of all this. She looked hesitant, and I pulled her closer "Shasha, even if I say my work is important or my friends or anything else is important; it is but always remember you are more important to me."

I lifted her head and placed her head on my arm and she looked flustered and hesitant, "Shasha, you're important to me more than anything or anyone else. I think you should know that."

"I want you to feel safe, I can't forget the way you flinched when I touched you first tonight after that incident, it made me feel like I would kill them for touching you and hurting you. I've never been so mad and pissed in my whole life, not even when Jeonghan got into a fight with some random guy. When I received your calls but all I could hear was your voice, trying to handle the situation, I was terrified, I was scared and I was anxious, all the way while trying to find you and waiting for Secretary Hwang's call that he tracked you, I kept telling myself that, you'll be fine, you're strong, nothing would happen to you because I know you're strong. You will handle the situation until I reach you. I've never felt this terrified, never in my whole life, not even when, Jeonghan called me once telling me he is about to get into a fight with some random guys or when we couldn't reach Soobin for a few hours just to find out, her phone died and she was at her bestfriend's house. Even once Joshua almost got into a fight with four seniors, I still wasn't this worried about him. I know they are my bestfriends, they are my friends yet you... you are someone more special to me." I removed the strands of hair that were on her cheeks and tugged them behind her ears. "Shasha, I would never let you go through that again, I promise."

"I wish I could erase those moments from your life right now, and I wish I could take back everything they told you or did to you." I was caressing her cheeks, I didn't know how else I could comfort her right now. "Does this hurt?" I didn't know how her lips were bleeding but the slight red marks on her cheeks when I saw her made me confirm that she was slapped hard. She nodded and broke down. I kissed her cheeks gently, she started crying and I pulled her in my embrace, "Hope you could forget everything love, wish I could erase those moments from your life right now." Her hands were holding my t-shirt tight, she was vulnerable right now. I lifted her face slowly and wiped her tears, "Shh, don't cry. I'm here."

After some time, she stopped crying but her hands were still on my t-shirt, "I won't say, 'forget those moments' because if I tell you that, you would try to forget those moments and they would come back to you because you would be focusing on them rather, let's make better memories which can replace those terrific moments which brings you pain. Okay?" I wanted to kiss her, I wanted to make her feel safe, I wanted to make her feel better. I wanted to take away the pain right now.

I tried holding her securely and pulled her closer slowly by her waist, we haven't been this close to each other when we are totally awake and sober. She was making my heartbeat fast, she was driving me insane, very slowly. My hands went to her cheeks, I wanted to admire her tonight, because she's mine. I started caressing even without knowing when did I already start, "close your eyes and try to get some rest, love" that word just slipped out of my mouth even without realizing it, I took a deep breath when I realized it.

"Seungcheol" I looked at her eyes, those mesmerizing eyes which always make me feel like I could see my world in those eyes. She was hesitating, "what are we?" I looked at her, she looked like a lovely person who was scared to ask for love.

"What are we Seungcheol? Not the status we are in for people other than that what are we? Strangers? Acquaintance? Friends? Lovers? What is our relationship?" how could she not know and how could she not feel this between us? She took a deep breath and asked me again.

"What are we?"

Author's note:

I remember, one of my close-est friend told me, once because I had a bad day or something, "I won't say, 'forget those moments' because if I tell you that, you would try to forget those moments and they would come back to you because you would be focusing on them rather, let's make better memories which can replace those terrific moments which brings you pain. Okay?" that really made me feel better. I hope this works for you guys as well, I'm passing these words to you all, with a hope you'll feel better.

AND what do you think would be Seungcheol's reply?????????? I'm lowkey excited now!!

Happy reading!

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