CH: 43

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Hyun parked the car, I was about to get down holding Soobin's bouquet but Hyun opened the door and offered his hand to me. I was hesitant at a point to take his hand then I took it. "thankyou"

I stepped out of the car "be careful" I looked at him and smiled. I was about to take a step ahead of me and my steps halted as if I froze then and there.

He was looking straight into my eyes, standing beside Iseukie. I wasn't ready to face him yet.

I took a deep breath and tried to be normal, I walked toward them. Iseukie was standing and smiled when I was standing infront of her. Hyun was standing beside me. "You look pretty Shasha" I tried smiling, I was feeling nervous because of him, his eyes were fixed on me.

"Hey" Hyun broke the silence and I looked at him, "Hey," Seungcheol said and smiled, which looked like he was forcing a smile to Hyun.

"I remember you, from my sister's wedding." Hyun smiled, he probably knew Seungcheol and he should be knowing Seungcheol proposed to me infront of everyone back then, everything slipped from my mind.

"Byeol's brother, right?" Hyun nodded, "nice to meet you again" they shook hands. "Shasha this bouquet looks pretty, Soobin would love it." I smiled at her, "thanks"

"She put effort while making this bouquet, I saw it, how focused she was while making it" Hyun said and I noticed Seungcheol was looking at me. We didn't exchange a single word yet. I wanted to leave, I don't want to talk to him now, I wasn't ready yet.

"Iseukie, you told me someone was waiting for me" I looked at her and she smiled, "yes" she paused and turned to look at Seungcheol, "of course your fiancé was waiting for you, he was searching for you and I told him you will be here soon" I was surprised, if he was searching for me, he could've called me once at least? "aahh, I see" I tried smiled but it wasn't working.

"Are you guys okay?" I turned my head to look at Hyun in surprise, "yes, we are fine, what made you think we are not okay" I needed to escape from this situation, I can't make it more awkward, I already suck at these situations already. My phone started ringing as if god heard my prayers right now, I took out the phone from my bag and saw it was Jeonghan.

"Are you there already?" he asked me

"Okay, I'm on the way and Soobin also left." I smiled

"Okay, I will go check out the room and Seungcheol already came, so come fast"
"he's there already?" he asked me back, probably surprised

"Yes, so come fast and I'm hanging up" I hung up and looked at Seungcheol, "I need to leave with Iseukie, we need to check a few things. Hope you two get along" I smiled at them and was about to leave, but Seungcheol held my wrist. I was taken aback and I looked at him "meet me once you're free, I need to talk to you" I tried smiling, even though both of us knew I was faking my smile, "surely, I will let you know. Although I think it would be a little difficult but I can take out time for you" and his fingers stopped tracing my wrist. I was trying to be sane but his fingers against my skin telling me something else.

Once his fingers left my wrist, I started walking with Iseukie without looking back. "we need to check out the room, Soobin is on the way." Iseukie nodded. We went to the bride's room and sat on the couch. I kept the bouquet on the dressing table. "Shasha" I looked at Iseukie, "Yes?"

"Are you guys okay?" she asked me, she looked concerned.

"Somewhat, there's something we need to need about but I'm not ready yet." I sighed, "Hey, Shasha, it's fine. Don't let it get you today, it's Soobin's wedding you should focus on that and be happy. You can talk to him after the wedding or anything but your main focus should be Soobin today" Iseukie smiled at me. "Also if I'm not wrong these are peonies right?" she pointed to my hair, I nodded. "Kyung did this, and it looks so pretty" Iseukie smiled, "they really do"

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