CH: 23

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After having fun with him the whole day, clicking pictures, having fun in every possible way. I was enjoying every minute with him here, I never thought my first trip to Japan would be this fun. I looked at the watch, it was already 8 pm, "let's have dinner somewhere here, and then we can go back after having dinner"

I agreed and he held my hand. We started walking in the streets, "you know a good place here?" I asked him,

"yes, I know Osaka well and the fact the place I'm taking you right now, is one of my favourite places." I smiled at him and we entered a restaurant. We went to the reception, the girl looked pretty.

"anatano itsumono sekiwa aiteiru" your usual seat is empty

"arigatō" thankyou

"Is she your girlfriend?" she spoke in English, I was taken aback. I wanted to deny her because I wasn't his girlfriend, "no, I'm not" I told her, with a slight smile and i was sure she could see how flustered I was.

"aww, you're the first girl he ever brought" she smiled at me.

"not girlfriend Aiko but my soon-to-be fiancé" I looked at him with wide eyes, he just said those five words just like that? How could he do that? Soon to be? Fiancé? I was confused and my face was on fire.

"cute" she paused to give me a small smile "go and take your seat, I'll bring your food." We smiled at her, and I started walking with Seungcheol, we sat at the back, it was a table for two. I took a seat and he sat facing me.

"This place is really good, and Aiko is a good friend to me, she makes amazing food" the girl  at the reception was Aiko, "but she was in reception, she cooks?"

"She stays in reception at times but she is an amazing chef. Trust me and you'll see what she will serve."

"I trust you," I told him and started checking my phone, I was scrolling through sns, it suddenly struck me how he replied to Aiko about me being his soon to be fiancé. I looked up at him, I wanted to ask him. I was about to ask him and saw plates on our table and I looked at Aiko, she had a smile on her face when she looked at me. she kept the food on the table carefully, "enjoy your food Seungcheol and soon to be Mrs Choi" I widen my eyes, I looked at her in surprise, I didn't think she would call me THAT and infront of him. I wanted to tell, her to call me, Shasha instead of Mrs. Choi, heat spread across my face, and I could feel I was blushing because of her words. "arigatō Aiko" he smiled at her and before leaving she smiled at me.

"start eating"

And he started eating, I wanted to ask him then thought to ask while on the way back to the hotel. I should enjoy the food placed infront of us, I took the first bite and it felt like heaven. It was so good, he was right, Aiko cooks really well. I love this so much.

"Seems like you like this" I looked up at him and he was looking at me, I nodded. There's nothing to lie about the food, it's amazing. "Yes, I love this"

"Good, now enjoy" I saw his smile, looking all sweet.

After eating. We went to the reception and Seungcheol paid, although I insisted on splitting the bills, but seungcheol being seungcheol.

Aiko was really nice after we came out. I looked at him, he had a big smile on his face, I wonder what happened. "are you that happy because of the food?"

"not only food" I tilted my head to take a good look at his face, "then?"

"nothing." Is there something I missed about him? I couldn't understand "you enjoyed the food as well, and it felt good to eat there with someone for the first time." Butterflies inside me started dancing wildly.

"But why did you tell Aiko that I'm your soon-to-be fiancé?" I asked him, he had a face saying 'what do you mean by why did I tell her?'

"Cab's coming soon and we are going back" he replied with something else, "you didn't reply me"

"what do you want me to reply?"

"reply to what I asked? What else?"

"Shasha" he took my hand, my heart skipped a beat, "this ring, means something and you're going to be my fiancé officially after we go back, there's no need to hide the truth" my heart was beating fast, way too fast. How could he just say those words like this, I know whatever he was saying wasn't a lie but truth and still, my heart beats like crazy. Something was getting inside my head but I just shrugged off the thought to live this moment and make sure to remember these happy moments so that I don't need to remember the painful memories and they will get replaced by these new and happy memories.

The cab came, thankfully. "let's go back home" and I took back my hand. I opened the door and got inside the cab, he got in after me. 

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