CH: 6

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I was unwrapping, the flowers carefully. I looked at the ring, on my finger; it's been four days since he last visited me and we talked out. After that, we rarely talked, maybe we talked yesterday only. He was busy with his life and I am busy with mine. I couldn't care about him but something inside me was bothering about him, I wanted to check on him.

"Shasha" Iseukie called me, I saw her keeping the flowers on the vase. "Hmm?"

"The ring... you've been staring at it and spacing out, It looks pretty, I understand it but stop spacing out, what are you unwrapping?"

"HUH?" I looked down and I was already holding the flower, which was ready to keep in the vase. "Oh, sorry"

"Dear BOSS. Look at the time, it's time to go home. It's already 7:30 pm" I looked at the clock after she mentioned the time. I didn't notice the time, I was so absent-minded. I took off the apron and smiled at her. "Shasha, I wanted to ask you something" I kept my apron and took my phone "Yes?" I replied her.

"Are you feeling low nowadays? You've been spacing out a lot and probably overthinking a lot, is there something wrong?" she looked genuinely worried about me, if only I could tell her that there's only one reason, and it's him. Seungcheol.

"No, no I am all fine. It's just I keep on thinking about Jeonghan, that's it." I lied, it's not Jeonghan, it's his best friend.

"OH, right, he got married recently, maybe that's why." She came to me and patted my shoulder "Don't worry, everything's fine. He's an amazing brother and as far as I know him and have seen him, I am sure he is an amazing husband as well. He must be taking good care of his wife. So don't worry too much okay?" I nodded and smiled at him.

"Now let's go home" I held her hand and smiled at her. I locked the shop and I went to my car, "Do you want a ride?" I shook her head, I looked at her, she never refuses my rides though, she's a good friend and a co-worker of mine.

"He is coming to pick me up...." she looked shy, "WHO? GIRL, YOU GOT SOMEONE?" I literally screamed at her, "Ayyyyy Shasha stop. We are just friends for now" and she was blushing.

"I see, friends, for now, soon something's gonna happen" and I teased her and she was laughing. She got a call and received it.

"He's here, I am going. so, have a safe ride and bye" she waved at me and crossed the road, I saw her getting into a car. She looked happy. I forgot about my worries looking at her for a while, I got into my car and started driving to home. I played some music, I was so into the music I forgot everything that was troubling me.

My phone started ringing, it was Jeonghan. He's always the one to call me if I am late, god, Jeonghan. And if I don't pick up god knows what pranks will he play on me. I accepted his call, still keeping my eyes on the road.

"When will you be home?"

"On my way Mister."

"Okay, come fast, your favorite food is waiting for you." I got excited, I really wanted to eat some goooood food.


"Be careful on your way, how many times I've told you Shasha. Don't get over-excited while driving."

"I got it, also how are you home this early Mister Executive Director? Or did your married life really affect your work?"

"Shasha, do you want your food or not"

"I am coming coming." And I hung up, teasing him is always fun because he is just an evil teaser. He looks like an angel, I know he is but he is veryyy evil angel, yet I love him because he loves me like no one else. My best brother.

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