CH: 39

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Her lips tasted like alcohol; she never drinks but she did today. I pulled back after I felt we needed air, she was breathing hard. I looked at her, even I am not sure why I kissed her, and I kissed her twice. All I know was that when she was crying and telling me about everything, I felt this urge to kiss her so that she would stop telling me, that I should stop her. So, I shut her up with a kiss.

"Shasha" I let go of her shoulder and she looked at me, "you- you just" she was about to fall and I held her. "Shasha"

"Shasha can you hear me?" I was holding her, she passed out. I wonder why did she drink. I picked her up and held her bag.

Once she was in my arms, she snuggled into my chest. She looked cute. "why were..." I walked towards the elevator and pressed the ground floor button. "why was she" she was mumbling, she looked adorable.

I still had no idea why impulsively I kissed her, whenever I am with her, I feel like I'll go insane, at times when she looks vulnerable, I want to give everything to her. She makes me forget everything; the way her eyes looked hurt when she saw me and Lina together, I felt like I committed a crime. I knew nothing happened between us I wanted to explain it to Shasha and that's why I followed her. I didn't know she was thinking so many things. I wanted to tell her, that I came to Shua's bachelor party and I didn't have any desire to hook up with her, I wanted to tell her not to stop but I wasn't even sure about myself.

The elevator door opened, and I walked out of the hotel holding her in my embrace, "Cheol" I heard her voice, her voice was very soft. I walked towards my car and put her carefully in the passenger seat. I adjusted the seat so that she won't wake up and can sleep peacefully until we reach home. I closed the door and went to the driver's seat.

I was about to start the car, "Soobin, sorry" I looked at her, she was mumbling. How much did she even drink, she passed out. And she never drinks why did she drink and why was she in this hotel, alone? Or was she with her friends? I left all the thoughts for later and started driving.

After around half an hour, we reached. The lights were off. I parked the car first and then tried waking her up, "Shasha, Shasha"

"why are the lights off? Is there no one at home? Shasha?" she wasn't responding.

I was left with only one option, Jeonghan. I dialled his number and after around five rings he picked up, "Where are you? I was searching for you, Dokyeom said you were with Lina outside then left her hurriedly and started running. What's the matter?"

"Your sister" I sighed and told him
"What happened? And who?"

"What happened to her"

"She's drunk and she was in the same hotel as us, she passed out and I brought her home but looks like there's no one home. she's sleeping inside my car and I don't know how to go inside"
"What are you even saying? Shasha? Drunk?" I could tell, he couldn't believe me.

"Pretty drunk actually." I looked at sleeping Shasha.
"Mum and Dad went to visit grandparents and Soobin..." he trailed off, "Do a thing check Shasha's bag, the last chain, she keeps the keys there"

"Jeonghan it's her bag, how am I supposed to open it without her permission?"
"Do you have any other option?" I sighed, "Okay"

"I'm not sure when will Soobin and Byeol will return because they are at Soobin's bachelorette party"
"What?" if they were at her bachelorette party then was Shasha doing alone?

"yes, she had the party today but how did Shasha end up in the hotel alone?" it then clicked me, while walking towards the suite where Joshua had the party, I passed another suit where I heard the voices of girls, does that mean it was her? That's why she was in the hotel, I facepalmed myself as soon as the realization hit me.

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