CH: 55

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"Are you done?" I looked at her,trying to catch my breath because I almost ran here after parking my car. It looked like they were already leaving.

"Seungcheol?" I looked at mom, I almost forgot she was not alone and almost everyone was here. "Y..yes?" for the first time I stuttered infront of my mom and she looked at me with a different look. She was probably thinking what was I doing here

"What happened?" I looked at mom, unable to answer her. I wondered what should I reply to her because I can't simply tell her that I wanted to get a glimpse of Shasha's dress, I wanted to see her in the wedding dress because I couldn't wait for a few more weeks, that I was being impatient although mom told me it's not good to see the bride in the wedding gown, before the wedding but I was being stubborn. I missed her, I wanted to see her that's why I even came to drop mom to the boutique in the morning.

"Ahh" I looked at her, "You look you were in a hurry" she spoke and all I could see was Shasha, she looked... confused. "Well..." I tried looking at mom instead of Shasha, she was distracting me so much right now. "Shasha agreed to go out on lunch after this! Yes! That's why I'm here" I looked at her, smiling. She was clearly confused because we never talked about it but I had no excuse right now.

"Ah, yes Shasha told me earlier, I almost forgot!" Jia nudged Shasha's arm. Jia got it, she was playing along with me, and I wanted to thank her. "Give me your car keys, I'll drive back to your home with Aunt."

"Huh?" Shasha was flustered, I looked at Soobin, telling her to help me. I wish she could get it after looking at me.

"Shasha, you told me about this yesterday morning only, oh god gurl how can you forget. Now go and don't worry about anything. Enjoy" Soobin went towards Shasha and smiled. I saw Shasha giving out the car keys to Jia. "Did you guys plan or this is an excuse to see Shasha, Seungcheol?" I turned to look at my mom, "Huh?" I was flustered, did my mom just catch me red handed? "No, I had plans with her" I told her.

"Okay then, take care both of you and I already called our driver, I'll go back home" I nodded, I saw Shasha's mom walking towards Shasha and giving her a hug. "Take care" She nodded.

Shasha came towards me, "Okay then, we are leaving" I held her hand and she looked so flustered. "Let's go" she avoided my eyes, and we came out of the boutique. We walked towards my car.

I opened the door for her and she got in. I walked towards the driver's seat. "why did you lie?" she asked me as soon as I got in. I looked at her, she was fiddling with her fingers. "Because... I needed an excuse to see you" she suddenly turned to look at me. "But- but you saw me a few hours ago" that's true as well. I leaned back on the seat, "I wanted to see you in the wedding dress" I told her,

"But that's-

"That's why I ran here after clearing half of my schedules with a hope of getting a glimpse of you wearing the beautiful white gown." I took a breath, closing my eyes for a second and imagining her wearing a white beautiful gown and walking down the aisle. "but I was late and I had no idea what excuse to give also I wanted to have lunch with you" I turned to look at her and caught her looking at me. "Cheol" I smiled at her, why does she look like she's pulling me closer every time she calls me Cheol, every time. It feels like no one else can call me with the love and emotions she calls me Cheol. It's only her.

"Yes?" I smiled at her.

"Is this some kind of formal lunch-

"Lunch date" I completed her sentence. I leaned towards her and touched her cheeks, "A lunch date with you because I missed you" and kissed her forehead. I missed her, I saw her a few hours ago, I held her hands for a few seconds only and still, I missed her so much.

"Seungcheol" she looked at me, "Let's go now" I let go of her cheeks and started driving.

The lunch was smooth, it was a long time since I ate with her. I don't even remember if we ever came out to eat any meal after that Japan trip. We ate together after that but nothing was like a date. I wanted this to be a date, she deserved so much.

Wish I could tell her, that somehow, she was the reason why I smile more. She was enchanting to me, she was the love, I wanted unknowingly, and there she was.

Stealing glances during lunch and random conversations felt so right with her. After those two drunk conversations, everything felt right. Slowly everything was making sense, me having a soft corner for her, falling for her, realizing I actually fell for her.

"Are you free the day after tomorrow?" I took a quick glance at her while driving. "Free as in?" she asked.

"I want you to attend a party with me" it was a business party and I had to attend. Attending alone was a plan back at that time but if I can go with her and  get some time to spend with her then why should I leave this opportunity? "Business party?"

"Yes, I want you to go with me. If you go with me, they won't be able to keep me for too long." I chuckled, "Since when did you become like this?" she laughed, "Well, I don't want to attend this party but you are the best company" and I would get to spend some time with you. So why not?

"Okay, I'll give you company." I smiled, "You look happy; are you that happy?"

"Yes, because you agreed" she laughed, her small laugh sounded so nice to me.

"I'll come and pick you up that day then" I stopped the car and looked at her. "It will be hard to see you once, I get busy with the upcoming deals." I looked at her and saw her removing her seat belt. "But it's only for a month, hold on, not even a whole month, almost two to three weeks; until you live with me officially as my wife, and I wouldn't have to make any excuse to see you anymore." I smiled at her. "What are you trying to say-"

"Well" I gave her a quick peck on her cheeks, "I guess I should go now, or else I'll be late for my next meeting this afternoon"

"Take care until we meet again" she nodded, "Seungcheol-

"Shh" I placed my finger, I felt like I know what she would say and I had to stop her, "I missed you and I mean it. I want to spend all my time with you and talk with you endlessly. That's why if I don't leave right now then I'll get late for my meeting. Specially because you are very distracting"

Author's Note:

Happy reading! 

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