CH: 53

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I was getting anxious while getting ready. I double-checked myself already yet I was nervous. I don't know how things will turn out today. My phone started ringing, I picked up the call after I saw it was Jia, "Jia..." I let out a deep breath, I was so anxious. "Will you stop getting anxious I'm already downstairs and everyone is waiting for you. Why are you taking such a long time? We need to reach there on time. Come down already Shasha." I hung up and took a deep breath, took my sling bag, and headed downstairs.

It was weekend, that's why everyone was home and I was so nervous to face everyone.

"Finally" I looked at mom. I walked towards them and took a deep breath, "let's get going" Jia looked excited, Jeonghan came towards me and gave me a hug, "everything's going to be fine. Don't worry too much. Okay?" I nodded in his embrace, "and you look pretty today" I smiled at him. "let's go then" I heard mom say. I waved at Jeonghan and Byeol. I was walking alongside Jia, "why are you nervous? You look pretty like always so be confident."

I hit her arm lightly, "you will know when you will get married to your boyfriend. Choosing a wedding dress. Does this look like a joke?" She started laughing, "and what do you mean by me having a boyfriend?"

"Jia" I looked at her, "he came to pick you up that night." Her eyes widen probably thinking how did I get to know, "I heard you telling Seungcheol that night that, your friend is coming to pick you up. And do you think I don't know who is that 'friend'? You got transferred to States because of him as well. What do you think, you can keep track of me only and I can't do the same?" I gave her a look and she looked shy. I caught her.

"Enough, it's your day. Let's go" I held her arms and walked. We got into my car, Jia got into the passenger's seat and mom settled herself at backseat.

I started driving to the boutique, "Shasha" mom called me, "yes?" I was focused on the road, "are you nervous?" I let out a breath, that was the last thing I wanted to answer her, because I was so nervous. "she is very nervous, she looks like she would jump off the window right now " I wanted to smack Jia's head. Mom started laughing. "I never got to tell you, but I adore you so much Shasha. You're the youngest and I always wanted the best for you, maybe at times I was wrong but at the end of the day, I would worry about you. Seungcheol is someone, I adore a lot. I never knew you loved him, and when he proposed to you that day, I was surprised wondering did you agree to his proposal because you were under pressure or did you actually wanted this. But when I saw you, your eyes, your face, it gave me the answer of how happy you were when you said yes to him. And when he hugged you, I saw how much he means to you. I could see it in your eyes. Things might go unnoticed by people but I am your mom, and I know how you are. You don't show your emotions always, when you're hurt, you just cry alone. Jeonghan was always there for you and I was more than glad because of him. He was three years old when you were born, he was so excited to hold you and I could see the care in his eyes ever since then." She paused. "you know Jeonghan was really happy when he got to know he got a baby sister. His eyes told me how much he would love you and protect you, and he still does. He will always love you like this and about Seungcheol... I am happy that there's someone who loves you the way your brother loves you; if Jeonghan approved Seungcheol, just know he trusts him." My nervousness was replaced by overwhelming feelings. I know how much Jeonghan cares and worries about me. He never stopped me for anything but always supported me, corrected me when I was wrong, he would correct my mistakes, he would calm me down on my bad days. I don't know if anyone would be able to love me like Jeonghan loves me.

"mom" I was getting overwhelmed.

"Shasha, you're really precious. Always remember that." I tried to hold back my tears since I was driving and I can't cry right now.

After a few minutes, I parked the car. We all got down, I spotted a familiar car. I was sure it was Soobin's car. I know a lot of people own this model but I can bet it's Soobin's car. The way she told me she won't be able to come yesterday and now she's thinking to surprise me. "Just a second," I told them and walked towards her car. I know it's her so I knocked on the closed windows. After a few knocks, she slid down the window and smiled at me. "YOU"

She opened the door and got off the car. Hugged me so tight, "liar!"

"How could I not come when it's my one and only sister's chance to pick her wedding dress" I hugged her. She's such a devil. I saw mom and Jia coming towards us. "I told you I would be on time" Soobin looked at mom. I eyed them. "you knew?" mom started smiling.

So, these two planned this out, I told mom I was sad when Soobin said she can't come because of some emergency work at her office. I was sulking through the evening and night and this is what I get.

"Anyways, let's go inside now. Or else we will be late and miss our slot" Soobin looked at the watch and went inside the boutique.

"Welcome ma'am" the receptionist said and my heart started beating fast. I was so nervous again, and Jia held my hand. I was so thankful to her. I walked towards the reception with her and told them about my slot. They told me to wait for five minutes so that they can talk to the staff about my appointment. So, we went to the waiting area, and mom was talking to Soobin.

I heard the door open, I was looking at Jia. She was about to say something, and I inhaled the strong scent. I could tell it's him because of the strong scent he uses, 'he's here' I told to myself, and my nervousness went up. I took a deep breath and heard Jia say, "he's here." I heard his voice.

"Ara" mom called his mom. I took a deep breath and turned to look at him. There he was standing with a smile showing his cute dimples. He walked towards me and I stood up, I was still nervous. I had this urge to hold his hand and be in his arms, it was the only thing that could calm me down at least for now.

I saw him yesterday but the way my heart wanted comfort from him was something I couldn't explain well; I always crave his comfort, his hugs, and his touches at times like this when I am so nervous. "Shasha" the way he called me. I was about to walk towards him then I heard a voice, "Ma'am please come" he smiled at me.

I took a deep breath and I walked towards him, I was about to pass through him and his fingers intervened with mine for a second and he whispered near my ears, "don't be too nervous.".

I was flustered because of his voice, his words sent chills down my spine. "and you look pretty today" I hope no one saw him doing this with me. I tried to keep my calm and went out of the waiting room first leaving his hand's warmth.

Author's Note:

Happy reading!!

and @gyujinbiased hope u liked it ^^

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