CH: 31

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I saw her running inside, all wet because of the heavy downpour outside. First, I thought maybe I was wrong and hallucinated that it was her. But as I walked closer, she was shivering, she kept her hands on her arms, probably because she needed warmth.

Why was she wet? If she didn't have an umbrella she could've waited somewhere or called a cab why would she run here in the rain? I walked towards her, and called her name,


She turned back, to look at me. She was surprised, I could tell her from the look. I continued walking towards her but she stood there still. Finally, when I faced her, all the irritations and jealousy washed out and were replaced by worries, worries about Shasha. It's true I came here to calm myself down because I was getting those feelings which I shouldn't be getting but looking at Shasha like this, I couldn't recall a single thing about Soobin anymore. I wanted to ask her why is she wet, what was she doing but before I could speak, she spoke "why didn't you pick up my calls?" she wasn't speaking softly, it was her stern voice, the voice I am not used to. I didn't know she called, because my phone was silent. I had no idea that she called or she would call.

"Do- do you know how much I was worried about you" she was shivering yet she raised her voice. I took off my shirt I was wearing, I walked towards her and she took a step back. I held her shoulder and then put my shirt over her. She was trying to take off my shirt, but I stopped her from doing so.

She shivered again, she was totally drenched in the rain. "I'm sorry" I didn't know what to say anymore, "Do you think your sorry would mend everything every time? Seungcheol tell me please, because I... I just" she sneezed

"Shasha" she took a step back and I knew I messed up real bad, I just knew that. "Shasha, first let's go back and then we can talk about everything."

"why should I go back with you now?" she sneezed again, if she keeps this up she might end up getting sick "you will fall sick Shasha"

"Why DO YOU CARE?" she raised her voice again,

"I care, I cared" I took a step towards her. "I always cared about you"

"You didn't, you left me alone there without telling me anything and no explanation where you're going." she was looking at me with those eyes, which told me I knew you would do that to me

"Shasha, please let's go back or else you'll fall sick" I unlocked my phone and saw 50 missed calls from Shasha and 20 messages from her. I felt bad, I really did. I shrugged off that thought for a second and booked the cab. It showed the cab would be here in two minutes.

Silence engulfed us. I saw her hands holding my shirt which I put on her. I wanted to hug her tightly so that she would feel better and warm. The urge was very strong and I tried to keep that thought to myself.

I saw the cab coming, I looked at her. "Let's go" she didn't say anything, but when she didn't respond to anything, I held her hand and ran towards the cab. Thankfully the driver didn't say anything about being wet. He asked where to go and once I confirmed he drove us to the hotel.

After a few minutes we reached, I paid for the cab and went inside the hotel. We had our keys with us, so I didn't have to go back to the reception. We went straight to the elevator and I pressed the floor number. Both of us were silent, I wanted to talk to her and knew she was not ready, she needed answers. The guilt was taking over me, I wanted to tell her not everything was intentional and I really didn't think she would actually search for me, she would try to find me and it would start raining and make everything worse.

The elevator beeped and we got off, our rooms were next to eachother. She had her keys so she unlocked her room, she opened the door and I got in with her. "go get a shower and when you come back we will talk"

"And why should I be agreeing with you when you were the one being so stubborn"


"Stop calling my name, cheol stop, I am trying... I am trying. You always do this, you get upset then you take care of the consequences as if nothing meant to you, I really don't want to start a fight with you but this is just, unfair to me. I know everything is fake" she sighed and then it reminded me 'fake' everything was supposed to be fake, and these emotions we are investing, I am investing on her... is this fake?

"I know I have no right on this but cheol..." she sighed and took off her shoes. She walked towards the wardrobe and took out clothes. She went inside the bathroom, I sighed and sat on her bed. I took out my phone from my pocket and checked the messages from Shasha, all of them asked me where am I? why didn't I tell her. Why am I not picking up her call? Why would I leave so abruptly? And... she asked if I am okay or not

What am I doing? I asked myself. These strange feelings... are taking over me again.

I was staring at my phone, I don't know what else to do, on one side I am so worried about her and another side I don't know how to face her and talk to her about everything that happened. How much I want to sit beside her and talk to her, tell her everything and want to tell her that I am really sorry, even though she hates sorry from me but I can't help it.

I can't deny the fact, that I always had a soft corner for her but since last month is just getting.... Different...? Even I don't know how, she feels different as if she is telling me something more, more than being soft for her.

I heard the bathroom door open, I looked at her, she was wearing a white oversized tee and shorts. She came stepped out of the bathroom and sneezed.

She might fall sick, thinking back the way she was totally wet because of the rain, I got up. I always bring necessary medicines with me, I probably had cold medicine or something that would make her feel good.

"Do you have a sore throat? or anything else?" I asked her, she shook her head. I walked out of her room.

Author's Note:

things are changing between shasha and seungcheol slowly, how do you feel? I'm gonna speed up a bit, do let me know if you like this or not~

happy reading^^

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