CH: 18

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Sneaking out with Byeol was one of the best thing I did, I needed some time alone with her. I felt she was feeling a bit different since, today morning. I don't know what's wrong but I wanted to make her happy and clear out the things with her. holding her hand like this and being carefree is one of my favourite things when I'm with her. She's really my comfort and I would do anything to keep her happy. "Jeonghan, congratulations on the deal" I looked at her, she was smiling so brightly. She was looking cute and pretty in this white dress, and her hair fell right on her back, making her look mesmerizing. "it's too early for Congratulations love" and kissed her cheeks. Her eyes widen in surprise, "wh-what was that for?" she looked cute. Who will say she's my wife already. "just... no reasons" I smiled at her.

"Once we go back, we will attend a business party and there we will get the deal fully, more like seal the deal. Congratulate me there, will you my dear wife?" I asked her, "Of course dear husband" she smiled at me.

"Sir" I heard a voice and I knew who it was. I turned back, to look at Secretary Lee, she was walking towards us. "What's wrong Secretary Lee?" I asked her since she came alone and there was no trace of Seungcheol, Shasha and Secretary Hwang. I wonder why is she alone.

"thankfully I found you," she took a pause, "I got separated from Shasha, Sir and Secretary Hwang. And thankfully I found you" she looked at me and then took a glance at Byeol. "Can I join you both sir? Hope it will be okay with you?" I didn't know how to respond, I wanted to tell her to stay since she is my Secretary but Byeol, I got conscious about her, will she like it or will it upset her?

My phone started ringing, I took out my phone, "excuse me for a second" I excused myself for a second. I saw the caller id was Seungcheol, I wonder why he called.

"What happened?"

'is Ms. Lee with you?' his voice was stern

"yes" I casually replied to him.

'I wondered where did she go suddenly so thought to ask you if she's with you two.'

"what do you mean by suddenly? She said she got separated from you three"

'separated?' he asked me


'No, she said excuse me for a bit and then disappeared'

"I see"

'go and check on Byeol, I think there's something... hope you understand' I nodded 'and take your time to come, enjoy your time with Byeol only. I will take care of Shasha so don't worry about her. Okay'

"Thanks," I said and hung up, I wonder what's wrong. I was walking towards them, then I heard Byeol's voice. "do you think I don't know why you're doing this? I am his wife, do you think you can fool me? Why are you doing this when you know he is married, moreover, he is your boss. And you're Jeonghan's secretary."

"do you think he loves you?" there was a difference in the voice of Secretary Lee's voice I know.

"Yes, he does. And he is mine, and stay in your limits when you are with my husband, you should know that you can't mix up your personal and professional life Ms. Lee"

"Too bad, he is my boss and I think you should know how close I am to him, so think whatever you want in your mind. And he was never yours, if you understand well then you should know about my feelings way too well." Byeol looked like she was holding herself back. I started walking towards, Byeol's eyes widen after looking at me. Secretary Lee turned to look at me. "Jeong-Jeonghan" Byeol called my name.

She started walking towards me and I did the same. we were standing infront of eachother. She held my tie and pulled me closer, I could feel her soft lips on mine. The soft lips, which I missed a lot, they were speaking emotions today. One kiss from her and enough to tell me what she is feeling, one kiss from her can lift me up. She pulled herself back, and I pulled her by her waist and kissed her again, with no intention of letting her go, god damn kiss which I missed so much. I know she was trying to tell her that, I am his. And I would gladly let her do that.

I released her after we were out of breath. I held Byeol's hand and looked at Secretary Lee, she looked defeated. "Secretary Lee, I think you should know how much I love to keep my personal life and professional life separate from eachother, you should've known better Secretary Lee. I want you to say, please leave us alone for now and please contact me only when you have work with me, I want to enjoy my time here with my wife. Also, I think you need to go back with Secretary Hwang soon, we will be leaving later. Hope you understand my decision" I made myself very clear. She nodded in response, "Yes sir, I will be leaving now. Also, I'm sorry for your inconvenience, please forgive me" she bowed and left.

Once she left, I turned to look at Byeol, "that was pretty bold" I looked at her but she was looking down. "I like that Byeol" there was a pause and she looked at me "will you stop? Please?" I held her chin and made her look at me, her cheeks were pink, and she was blushing.

"I won't" and I placed a quick kiss on her lips, "Jeonghan!" she looked cute.

"So she was the reason, why you were upset?" she didn't say anything, "you need to tell me if something is wrong, okay? Or else I won't be able to know love" we started walking again. "yes but you should know as well, why would you send your secretary here?"

"After the meeting, we planned to come here directly, then Secretary Lee and Secretary Hwang wanted to visit here as well and then Seungcheol said we all should go, then there was something we had to explain to Mr. Kim, so he called us after the meeting. So, we sent them and after everything's done we went back to the hotel to keep the files and documents and came back here"

"I see"

"Were you upset?" I asked her carefully and stopped walking. "A bit, I was upset since yesterday night..." she looked at me, "it's a very obvious thing to feel these things when I have such a handsome husband and I don't want to share my husband with anyone because he is mine. Only mine." She looked cute when she was jealous, I rarely get to see this side of her. I leaned towards her and placed a soft kiss on her lips, "how do I make up for it?" I asked, she slightly hit my chest, she knows what am I talking about.

"Kisses and cuddles will do" she started walking, and I went to her and held her hands. "okay" she looked happy. after all, I wanted to spend some time with her.

"you look cute today" she was blushing. I love to see her blush because of me. there was a different kind of pleasure in that. 

Author's Note:

Jeonghan's pov was kind of bonus? i don't know if I made it work or not, hopefully I did. 

happy reading^^

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