CH: 29

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I tried calling her, but she was not picking up. I started looking for her, but she was nowhere to be seen. I wanted to tell myself to stop overthinking, what if something happened to her, what if someone hurt her? What if she is hurt? What if she is not feeling okay? What if....

These 'what ifs' will kill me before I could find her, I tried calming myself down and told myself what if she went to the washroom, and I ran towards the washroom. The thought of her being hurt was killing me slowly. I slowed down my pace the moment I saw her, she was surrounded by reporters. The lights were on her.

"shit" I cursed under my breath, this was the reason I was scared to bring her, this was the reason I never wanted to bring her, this was the reason I hated the idea to bring her, she was in this situation because of me. The whole spotlight will be on her and reporters are going to ask her a lot of questions about her, me, and us, I need to stop them. And till now no one knows she is Jeonghan's sister and if this is revealed everything might go upside down. There will be unnecessary rumours as well, which I would never want her to deal with.

I walked towards her, I could see her trembling and stepped back, Jeonghan was right, Jeonghan told me to be careful after opening up about her social anxiety at times, it's rare but he didn't want to take any risk about it.

Before she could take one more step back, I held her by her waist and pulled her closer.

"So, what were you asking my fiancé?" I could feel she was shivering under my touch; she was sweating as well. I could feel her, she looked at me, forcing a smile, but her eyes said she was devasted and was struggling. I made it on time

"Is she really your fiancé because you never shared the status of your personal life until today and now would you like to announce this?" one of them asked, I wanted this to end and take her out of this place. I've no idea what were the questions they asked earlier and what did she do.

"What about business? Is she any of your shareholders? Did your family approve both of you yet?"

"What do you want to tell us about your relationship?"

"Are you official?"

"This is my personal life, and I do not want to mix up my personal life and my professional life. And I will not reveal any information about my fiancé and our relationship, please understand, and please excuse us." I turned back and start walking, this place was big enough, I was holding her arm, my hands were not on her waist anymore, and I could still feel her trembling a bit. I took her to the balcony and faced her.

She was looking down and her hands were holding her phone tight.

"Shasha are you okay?" I asked her, she was still looking down, she wasn't replying anything to me. I wanted to hold her and comfort her. Without thinking twice, I pulled her in my embrace. I was caressing her back, she needed it right now. She needed comfort "it's okay Shasha" I was holding her tight. I could feel her heart beating like crazy.

After some time I felt her hands on my back, she was holding me tight. I feel so bad for leaving her, I could have taken her with me and she could've met Secretary Hwang as well. This would not have happened. I just hope this never makes to business news, I need to deal with this. I need to take care of this whole thing with my team, but one thing I know for sure is, that one thing will make to headlines tomorrow morning and that is me having a fiancé; maybe not the whole incident but having a fiancé will.

Her heartbeat was fast and her breathing was heavy, but it felt like it was getting better slowly, I caressed her hair. "I am so sorry I left you alone" I took a deep breath, and spoke softly "It's alright now, I am here and I won't leave you alone, I promise." Her head was on my chest. I could feel her breathing every time she took a breath.

I pulled her apart after her breathing was back to normal and asked her.

"Do you want to go home? Or want me to tell Jeonghan that we're leaving?"

"B-but you may-may need to stay here, I-I will tell Hannie I will go home if I need to." she still wasn't looking at me, she was avoiding me. I held her shoulders "Shasha, no. I brought you here and you're my responsibility, and it's night time, I can't let you go alone. I may need to stay here but you are important right now, at least to me."

"I will be okay." Her voice came out like a whisper.

"But your condition is saying otherwise" she still didn't look at me, I wanted her to look at me, and tell me the truth that she wasn't okay and that incident made her taken aback, she still doesn't have any idea about his whole business world, how cruel this world can be.

"I couldn't reply to them when they asked me" she was still looking down, I wanted her to look at me, and tell me, talk to me the way she usually does.

"Shasha... goodness, it's fine." I held her shoulders, "I was nervous and felt" her voice was getting low, I wanted her to understand that it was fine, it was okay, there's nothing to worry. I pulled her into a hug again. "Shasha, trust me, it's fine. It's totally fine."

"Hannie told me to be confident... but I" she was blaming herself; she was. "it's totally fine, you did well earlier." I heaven a sigh

After a while, I released her from the hug. She looked at me, finally, she looked at me. "Cheol"

And she called me cheol.


"What are you guys doing here? Sneaking? Or needed some time for yourself?" I was holding her shoulder, and my eyes drifted to Mr. Moon, I saw him walking towards us, I let go of her shoulder and she turned to look who is it, she looked calm and compose. How could she pull this off? I was so worried about her and she looked so calm right now.

"Ah, no" I replied to him, "are you bored Ms. Yoon?" he looked at her, and she shook her head, "No, I'm not bored" she smiled at him. "We were about to go downstairs."

"I see, also I think it's time to eat, let's go downstairs together." Shasha smiled at him, we started walking. I took her hands in mine while walking, she looked taken aback and looked at me for a second then started looking to the front. While walking, I was looking at her from time to time to make sure, she is with me.

"Ms. Yoon" I heard Mr. Moon call her, both of us turned to look at him.


"I met you today but I am getting this feeling, you're the right one for Seungcheol. Seungcheol is like my own kid, he helped me a lot when he became the CEO, I was so glad that the position of CEO was handed to him, during my business crisis he came to help me. Seungcheol is very lucky to have you Ms. Yoon"

"Please call me Shasha, Ms. Yoon is so formal for me and thank you so much. Also, if Seungcheol is like your own son then why not call me Shasha, when you call him by his name Seungcheol?" she smiled, I could tell that was a genuine smile.

"Right, Shasha" he smiled,

"It feels better, Ms. Yoon was way too formal for me, I still can't get used to it no matter how many people called me Ms. Yoon today" she chuckled, she looked beautiful.

"Just like Seungcheol, you are the same. Daughter is just like my son,"

Both started talking andlaughing, she was feeling better I could tell this. Thank you Mr. Moon

Author's Note:

I will update more, soon. hope you're liking this story~

happy reading :)

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