CH: 16

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My phone alarm rang, I opened my eyes and checked the timing, it was 9:00 am. I checked my phone, there were no calls or texts from anyone. I got down from the bed and went to freshen up. I took out a dress and went to take a shower. I was feeling weird, for some unknown reasons. I took a shower.

After I came out of the shower, I checked the timing, it was 9:22 am, I tied my hair into a high ponytail. I applied very light make-up and a coral lip tint which looked good with this peach colour dress. I should probably go and check on Jeonghan, because we need to have breakfast, and they have a meeting at 11 am; I don't even know where but they definitely need to leave by 10 am so I should go and check on him. He didn't even call me once or send a single text to me. I took my phone and went to wear my sneakers and opened the door, I was about to lock the room.

"Shasha?" I heard his voice, I turned to my right side just to see Seungcheol fully dressed and he looked really handsome, does he go to work like this every day? He really pulls of everything well; he looks good on anything.

"Shasha?" I heard his voice again and snapped out of my mind, "Oh, yes?"

"Good morning,

"Good morning" I replied him with a  smile, " did you sleep well?" I nodded, there was a sweetness in his voice, "Did you?" I asked him, "kind of"

"Something's wrong?" I asked him

"No, no nothing was wrong, I had to check a few files correctly before sleeping and I didn't want to make any mistake so, when I slept it was almost 3 am"

"hope your hard work pays off" he smiled, "let's go for breakfast, I was about to go and tell Jeonghan," I told him, " I don't think I will be able to eat breakfast with you, and I am not sure about Jeonghan, because I need to go and meet my and Jeonghan's secretary and Jeonghan will probably accompany me, we couldn't meet them yesterday because they came late and I was out with you so we need to talk to them today before going, I will probably eat with them but yes let's go to Jeonghan's room. I need to talk to him as well." I nodded and started walking towards Jeonghan's room.

His cologne was strong, I was walking with him and I felt really good, I personally love this cologne of his. This had another type of grip on me. Why am I feeling like this suddenly?

We reached his room and Seungcheol knocked on his door. After a few seconds Byeol opened it, she looked pretty, "come inside" we went inside, I saw Jeonghan talking on phone.

"I am coming"

I looked at Byeol, she was looking at Jeonghan, he turned around to see us, "oh Seungcheol? Good thing you came I was about to call you, we need to go to Secretary Hwang's room, my secretary is waiting with him, we need to tell them a few things, I sorted out things yesterday before I slept so we need to tell them"

"Don't worry, I was about to ask you if you want to come or not because I will go and meet them because yesterday, I changed this and that so we need to discuss everything"

"let's go then"

"Jeonghan, what about breakfast?" Byeol asked him, "I was thinking if we could have breakfast with them in their room" he answered, "Make sure to eat, then me and Shasha will go downstairs and eat." She sounded down, I was worried about her

"Byeol..." Jeonghan's voice was so soft, he walked towards her and kissed her forehead.

"I will be back soon" she nodded. "Don't forget about what I said," Jeonghan nodded, "good luck" both of them smiled at her and left the room. Byeol sat on the bed, I went to sit beside her, "did something happen between you guys?" I asked her, she really looked down.

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