CH: 63

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I looked at myself, in the mirror. I was wearing a tuxedo and I was nervous as hell. Who knew getting married was full of nervousness even after attending so many weddings, I was feeling nervous. How was she feeling? Is she nervous like me? I shrug off all the thoughts. I took a deep breath and heard a knock.

"Is the CHOI SEUNGCHEOL nervous?" I turned to look at my brother, how can he joke around like that, yes I was hell nervous right now and I had no idea what to do anymore.

I took a deep breath again and fix my tie, who knew getting married was almost a nervous breakdown. I wonder how did Jeonghan and Joshua deal with this, I am panicking. I heard a knock and turned around to see Jeonghan and Joshua, "I'll be giving space to you guys" and my brother went out of the room.

Joshua came and hugged me, "Choi Seungcheol" I looked at him, "who knew you could be nervous like look at you dude" Jeonghan started laughing, "Shua, you were nervous as well, I was nervous as well and now it's his time."

"How's Shasha?" it came out so suddenly, I was trying to calm down and her thoughts help me to stay calm, I looked at Jeonghan, "I am not supposed to tell you anything about my sister before your wedding, she would be standing infront of you in few minutes anyways, so calm down."

I took a deep breath again, "are your vows ready?" Shua asked me, and I nodded.

Jeonghan came towards me and hugged me tightly. "You can do this Seungcheol, I'm happy" he pulled apart and looked at me, I saw something in his eyes, that genuine love he always had for Shasha, was visible. Whenever he talks about her, that genuine look is always visible on his face. The way he loves Shasha, I don't think anyone can ever love her more than.

"Jeonghan ah~" I looked at him, almost tearing up.

I heard a knock, "five minutes more" it was my brother.

"I need to go check up on my sister before she walks down the aisle." I nodded. Shua gives me a tight hug before he leaves.

I try to remember the vows which I wrote for her. I was so nervous while writing, I remember ripping papers out and throwing them because I wasn't sure what to say. Minhyun was having fun all these times, teasing me.

Everyone says, the bride is the one who is nervous and stressed on her D-Day but I will say the groom faces the same and the nervousness eats us, like look at me, I can't think straight because I am so nervous. I was hoping nothing goes wrong there.

I know I can't wait until we get married, I can't wait to see her walking down the aisle wearing the beautiful wedding dress. After the wedding, she would be Mrs. Choi and my wife officially. She would be a part of my life officially. I can't wait to call her wife.

This was something I dreamt about ever since I fell in love with her, and today is the D-Day.

I smiled at myself imagining her coming towards me wearing the white dress and holding a pretty bouquet. I always wanted to see her in the wedding dress.

Every time I think about her, a smile appears on my face, a smile that is only meant for her.

I heard a knock and my brother entered.

"Time's up brother" he smiled at me.

I smiled at him and took a deep breath. Both of us walked out of the room.

I got up from the stage, and my brother went to receive Shasha because he was the best man. I was trying to calm myself, looking at everyone seated and soft music was playing, I was waiting for Shasha to enter.

My heart was beating fast with the music, I saw Bridesmaids and Groomsmen enter one by one, everyone was smiling, and there was genuine happiness. Soon, Soobin enters as Matron of Honor, escorted by my brother since he was the Best man.

My heart was beating fast with everyone entering, soon the flower girl and then the ring bearer entered.

My heart skipped a beat the moment I saw the door open and Shasha took a step towards the aisle; she entered with her dad.

Soon, her mom stood as a signal for all of the guests to stand. The Minister announced, "All rise for the Bride."

She looked mesmerizing in that gown, her face was hidden under the veil but I could feel her beauty was radiating. Without realizing I was tearing up slowly because of how beautiful she looked in her wedding gown. She looked perfect.

Looking at her, I was feeling overwhelmed and the fact I was going to marry her today, all the feelings that were inside me, were making me tear up the moment I saw her. We came a long way, I couldn't believe we did this together. I tried to smile, trying to wipe the tear that were about to fall because of her.

She looked perfect.

My love looked perfect.

Author's Note:

Happy New Year readers~ hope you're doing well and here's an update on New Year, hope you like this smol update and sorry for this short chapter!!

And as you can see, the story is about to end </3 thankyou for reading this story, I'm grateful to you all. also *drumrolls* I published one Jeonghan fanfic, "Lavender Haze" and it's on my profile, you can check it out if you want to <3 

 also *drumrolls* I published one Jeonghan fanfic, "Lavender Haze" and it's on my profile, you can check it out if you want to <3 

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Happy reading!!

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