CH: 37

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After a week

I parked the car outside the hotel and went inside. Tonight, was Shua's bachelor party. I wonder how many friends came, and I would be meeting some of our friends after Jeonghan's bachelor's party. I walked to the reception and asked which is the room, they told me it was in the 6th floor. I walked straight, I was about to enter the room and then saw the suite next to Shua's one is also holding a party, I could hear music, and laugh of girls. I smiled and I entered Shua's Bachelor party.

"Seungcheol!" he saw me and smiled at me, Jeonghan was already there. "Yah, what took you so long? We were waiting for you, is our CEO that busy?" he nudged my elbow, I laughed, "I cancelled all the meetings for you, you are the priority." I smiled at them.

A guy was walking towards us, he side-hugged Shua, "Meet him, he is Dr. Dokyeom. A doctor in the same hospital" Shua introduced him, we shook our hands, "I'm Seungcheol" he smiled, his smile was beautiful.

"Go ahead and take the drinks" Dokyeom nodded and left us three. I'll be back to you guys soon.

"I can't believe I'm going to marry Soobin" he was looking at the wine glass, the one he was holding. I thought I would feel pain, would feel miserable but rather I felt better and looking at Joshua, happy like this, I am happy. His happiness comes first for me.

"Let me be honest, the idea of my sisters getting a boyfriend always felt like it would make me upset, it's not like, I won't like the guy but you know, just brother thing, I wouldn't like it. But now look at me, my two sisters are getting married, and Soobin will get married in two days. I still can't believe; she grew up so well."

"Jeonghan, why are you getting so emotional?" I looked at him, I don't want him to cry now. "I'm just being honest. I somewhat knew about you and Soobin, the way she would act so obvious but now that I am realizing, she is getting married to you, Joshua. I am happy. I'm happy that you are the one. The one whom I can totally trust with Soobin" I swear Jeonghan was getting way too emotional.

I shook his shoulders, "Yah! Yoon Jeonghan."

"Jeonghan, you can always come and visit her, it's not that I am taking her away!! Jeonghan, Soobin should be acting up by now but look at you, your cells are acting up because of the wedding." Jeonghan laughed it out. I felt relieved, he loves his sisters more than anything, he treasures them and they are very precious to him.

"Okay, okay, guys I wanted to ask something to everyone, specially Joshua." We all turned around to look Baek, our university friend. Me and Jeonghan were looking at Joshua, I wondered what was he going to announce now.

"Since it's a bachelor's party and Joshua will no longer be bachelor, and we all want to have fun tonight. So, can I call my girl-friends over here tonight? Just having some fun?"

"Call them over!" someone said and then I heard another voice, "You can call" and looked at the owner it was Dokyeom. "Joshua, they are my friends, nothing more" I looked at Joshua, he was trying not to kill the nodded, "okay" everyone cheered and clapped. He raised his glass and Baek did the same.

"I knew you would choose that; that's why I already called them" Baek said and everyone cheered. Jeonghan looked lowkey uninterested, I left out a laugh. Shua looked at me, "What happened?" I shook my head, "everyone's gonna have fun tonight" music started playing. I looked at everyone, and followed the gaze, three of us turned to look back. A few girls entered the suite, and all of them were smiling big, Baek ran towards them, and hugged two of them.

"Since when did he prepare all these?" Jeonghan whispered and I gave him a look saying 'how would I know?'

"So, guys these are my friends and have fun" Baek started walking towards the wine counter, with a girl. "Let's go and sit somewhere as well, and enjoy the party Shua" we walked towards the couch and sat there. Shua was drinking and Jeonghan got a glass as well. "Won't you drink Seungcheol?"

"Maybe later, I have an important meeting tomorrow at 11 am and I can't risk it. Also, I need to drive back home later." I told them, I had to sign a contract with Mr Kim tomorrow, one of my very important client. "One glass won't hurt"

"I'll drink, later," I told and Shua looked satisfied, I felt someone's gaze on me and I turned to look who was staring at me.

And I found one of Baek's friend. She smiled at me with a small smirk. I shrugged off the whole thing and looked at Jeonghan and Shua, they were drinking and laughing. I realized they were my everything. "Both of you, knew about me and Byeol but how come I never knew about you two."

"Yah" Joshua looked so flustered, "Okay, about Shua, I maybe had an idea but you Seungcheol? How come, I had no idea" I was taken aback, I wanted to laugh it off and didn't want to answer him, how do I tell him I didn't love her until recently I'm confused about everything because of Shasha. I liked Soobin a lot but what I am feeling towards Shasha is something more than that... not liking. I wanted to discover us. 'us'

"HEY!" Baek sat beside Jeonghan and kept his hand on Jeonghan's shoulder. "Aren't you enjoying it?" Baek looked at us. "Of course, we are enjoying" and they showed their glasses and then Jeonghan and Joshua clicked their glasses and I just smiled. I internally thanked Baek for saving me.

"Mind if I join you guys?" I heard the female voice and looked up. It was her, "Sure, Lina" Baek gestured her to sit, "Yes, join us" I heard Shua.

"I'm Lina, nice to meet you all" she smiled, it was more of a mischievous smile rather than a normal one. "Lina was my close friend when we were doing our masters"

"Oh, that's nice. I'm Joshua" after him, me and Jeonghan introduced ourselves. I could feel her shift closer to me, her bare legs were brushing against mine. They asked for more wine and alcohol, everyone was drinking, including Lina.

"Seungcheol, can I say something" she tugged my arm, I looked at her and nodded, "yes"

"You're so handsome" I thanked her simply because I didn't know what else to reply her and one thing, I knew for sure was, that she was trying to hit on me and I wasn't letting her get on me.

"Seungcheol" she trailed off and shifted a bit closer to me. "I feel drunk" she held my arm, I was surprised by her sudden action. "Lina, remove your hands" I tried to keep my voice low. She held my arm tighter, so I was left with one choice, remove her hands myself, get up from here and leave. 

And I did, removed her hands, and stood up, they looked up to me, "I'll be back in a minute" they nodded and I saw Baek was telling something to Jeonghan and Joshua. I was starting to get annoyed because of this girl, Lina.

I went outside. I sighed, I leaned on the railing, and unbuttoned one of my shirt buttons. I was feeling hot, I needed some fresh air. I was feeling better here, Lina was being too clingy. I sighed again, cool breeze hit me, and my mind went to Shasha unconsciously, that night; we never talked about it, more like she seemed to avoid that topic and I didn't want to make her uncomfortable so I didn't bring that topic and also never wanted her to find out that I kissed her forehead and called her 'love', I won't be able to describe why I did that to her.

"Seungcheol" my thoughts were interrupted, I turned back and saw Lina standing. She was partially drunk, I could tell from the way she looked. She was walking towards me, small steps and her legs were shaky. She was taking steps towards me and I saw her legs tremble and she fell on me, I held her from falling. She was partially in my embrace, "Are you okay?" I am not even sure, if she is actually drunk or fell on me on purpose. "Thanks" she tried standing up, my hands left her, now she was infront of me standing straight. "Ah- this-"

"What happened?"

"my lipstick stain on your shirt" my eyes widen and I looked at my shirt, "Let me clean this up" she held my arm, "No, it's okay. There's no need" I could smell alcohol from her. "Seungcheol let's go" she suddenly hugged me and I heard a thud, my eyes turned to look at the sound and....

She was standing.

She looked at me, into my eyes.

Her eyes told something to me.


Author's Note: So.... Shasha saw? Since when was she standing there and most importantly what was she doing there?

I'll update soon!!

Also, did you guys excited for _WORLD feat Anne Marie? I am sooo excited, and I love Anne Marie's voice 🥹🥹🥹 love it so much. So that tiktok was a spoiler woohooo

Happy reading :)

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