CH: 14

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My phone started ringing, I was startled. The lights were on, and my phone was near the pillow, I tried opening my eyes, the light was way too bright. Slowly slowly I tried to pick my phone, it was ringing, I swiped to accept the call, I didn't even see who was calling.
Before I could answer, I heard "open the door"


"Do you want to starve yourself? Did you even look at the time, wake up and open the door right now." I was still sleepy and couldn't understand anything until I saw the caller ID it was Yoon Jeonghan.

I lazily got up from the bed, keeping my phone on the bed and then went to open the door. I opened the door, and saw him standing all dressed up, "where-

He just got inside my room without even saying anything and I saw Seungcheol standing outside, I looked at him, "go talk to him and get ready." He went back to his room, and I closed the door. I went to Jeonghan, who was sitting on the bed.

"Do you know what's the time Shasha?" he was talking to my calmly to my surprise, I shook my head. "it's already 9 pm, I tried calling you two to three times, you picked up at fourth time."

I was surprised, was I sleeping that deeply?

"get ready, we need to go and have our dinner, they have restaurant service downstairs so we will go there." I nodded, and took out a dress from the wardrobe. I went inside washroom to change.

I came back to the room, and fixed my hair, while I was focused on my hair, "are you guys okay?" my hands stopped. I was looking at the mirror and I could see Jeonghan's stare there, he was looking at me, I didn't expect him to directly ask me like this. What am I supposed to reply him, when I don't even know myself?

I turned to him after I tied my hair into a low ponytail, "yes"

"then what was that?" he was looking serious, that means I have to be very careful with whatever I say now


"Shasha, no lies, please. You know I can't stand your lies."

I walked to him, and sat beside him, "everything is fine, it's just me who got a bit sensitive? Since morning, I was being sensitive, maybe that's why I reacted like this. don't worry, you can even ask cheol if something's up or not, but we are okay, and totally fine. I will say again, don't worry, you think a lot. Also where's Byeol? We will go for dinner, I am all ready."

"She is coming, to your room and don't try to change the topic." I was hoping he would buy my lie, he looked unsatisfied with my words, and then I heard a knock on the door, "must be Byeol" I went to open the door and I was thanking her from inside for saving me from his questions. "Shasha,"

"Come inside, Jeonghan is inside." She entered.

"Shasha, call Seungcheol, we will go down." I nodded, "the key is on the table, bring that, I will call Seungcheol" I went out of my room, and knocked on his door. He opened the door after few seconds, I saw Jeonghan locking my room. "ready?" he asked and I nodded.

He was wearing a white tee and a black pant, he looked so good even in casuals. "let's go down" we all went to elevator and went down. "Shasha" I looked at Byeol, "we can go out tomorrow, these two would be busy tomorrow, so how about we go and visit, Universal Studios?"

"Sounds good! We can go" I was always excited to go and visit Universal Studios, and finally I would be going. "We can decide the time after dinner? How does that sound?" I nodded "sounds good"

We reached, the ground floor, and Jeonghan started walking towards the reception, Seungcheol was walking with him, me and Byeol were behind him. we were just following them, Byeol was so excited, "what were you doing Shasha?"

"honestly, I slept. I had no idea, how much I slept until Jeonghan called me, that also, he said he called me four times, let me show you" and then I looked at myself, I didn't bring my sling bag not even phone, "Oh shit"


"I forgot to bring my phone,"

"It's okay, I don't think you'll need it now."

"right..." we were standing infront of the restaurant, Seungcheol pushed the door, to open, Jeonghan held Byeol's hand, I entered after everyone. It looked so classy and pretty, I knew I could trust Jeonghan's choices. He plans everything really well.

"it's so pretty"

"all thanks to Seungcheol, he choose this hotel and everything" I looked at Jeonghan and Seungcheol, I was thinking he did everything but Seungcheol did this, "your choice is really good" I smiled at Seungcheol.

We sat down for dinner, everything looked so pretty around. I was sitting beside Seungcheol, and opposite to Jeonghan. I was just hoping he will not overthink anything, I really don't want him to get worried because of me. I hate making him worry sometimes.

"here's the menu, decide what do you want to order" we nodded.

Dinner was good, I was happy. I wanted to go outside, just to see the night life of Osaka, I wanted to see Dotonbori, it looked pretty at night time. After we came out of the restaurant, "it's almost 10pm, I will just go rest because we have the meeting at 11 am" Jeonghan said, "I want to go to Dotonbori, it's really pretty at night" I looked at Jeonghan, "You want to go alone? With no phone, no wallet?" he asked me, it hit me, I left my phone and wallet in my room and I really don't want to go back to my room and then come back, I know, myself, once I get inside my room, I will just see the bed and sleep. Comfy beds are my weakness.

"I will go with her, keep the keys of our room on reception and take mine as well." Seungcheol, gave his room keys to Jeonghan. "Okay then, take care" I nodded. Jeonghan went towards the reception and I looked at Seungcheol, "let's go" I nodded.

"forget everything and just enjoy tonight" I smiled at him, he looked so genuine. I will do exactly what he said, I will enjoy, this is supposedly to be a small break for me, and I should enjoy the way I want.

We came out of the hotel gate, "let's walk till Dotonbori bridge" I smiled at him. I wanted to take a walk and see the things on the way, it wasn't near but I can go and walk.

Author's Note:

Hope you're liking this story, this far and Osaka, goodness I really want to go, visit Osaka once, it's so pretty. Like real pretty.

happy reading <3

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