CH: 40

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My phone was ringing again, if I counted correctly then this was the eighth time, I wanted to throw my phone somewhere. I tried searching for my phone, somehow, I felt my hands hit my bag which was on the table and it fell because I heard a thud sound. I sighed, first the phone calls or whatever, then this headache was killing me so much. I picked up the bag and took out my phone, I got up and saw the time first. My eyes widen in surprise; it was 9:40 am.

"AAAAHHHH" and then I saw the date, I wanted to hit myself. Tomorrow is Soobin's wedding. I saw the notifications on my phone, they were all the alarms I set, I need to check the venue today, fix everything up for tomorrow, need to check the hotel stuff, I need to take a few clothes just in case to the hotel, where my family would be staying for tonight. I needed to check a few things of Soobin and her friends who would join us tonight. Before I leave for the venue, I need to go check my own shop.

I sighed and a sharp pain hit my head, this headache was killing me slowly. I held my head and closed my eyes. What actually happened with me yesterday; that my headache is so bad.

I wanted to remember everything that happened yesterday night but everything felt so blurry.

Soobin's bachelorette party, Seungcheol, random girl, lipstick stain, hug, shirt buttons unbuttoned.

I remember them vividly, these things definitely happened or else there was no way I would remember all these or they would've been dreams because I attended Soobin's bachelorette part and there's no way I would forget that. I held my head again, it felt like someone was banging my head.

I heard a knock on my door, I turned my head to look who was it, "disaster definitely hit you" Jeonghan was still standing there with a smirk, "whatever, not today Jeonghan"

"Wanted to check on you but you definitely need hangover soup. Why would you even drink when you never had in your whole life? Was it that tempting at her party?" I wanted to tell him to shut up because I am not ready for his nonsense lecture right now, "either way, I told Byeol to make it so go freshen up and eat. You're going to be busy today, meet you later, after work" I nodded, he was right somehow, I do look like a disaster. I don't remember anything but just a few things which were hurting me, I don't even want to remember them but I remember them. I sighed again.

I wanted to erase the whole memory of Seungcheol from my mind, how could he do that... I can't believe he was in the same hotel as us yesterday. I wanted to know from him, but I know, I will end up hurting myself as always; I shouldn't ruin my mood because of him, just because I saw him with a random girl yesterday. I should stop caring so much about him, I should stop thinking about what he was doing with the girl, and I should focus on me and Soobin's wedding.

I looked at the time, it was 9:47 am, I couldn't believe I invested seven minutes thinking about him, who doesn't even care about me. I laughed at myself. I tried getting up but the headache was enough to pull me back to my bed.

I was getting frustrated, but I somehow managed to get up, take a shower and get ready.

I packed two sweatshirts and two pairs of shorts, I packed the gown I will wear at Soobin's wedding, packed the heels, makeup kit, and a few essentials. After I checked everything, I took my phone, charger, car keys, shop keys, and the bag where I packed everything and went downstairs.

I was going downstairs, and I saw Soobin and Byeol talking and laughing. I walked towards the dining table, "Good morning Shasha"

"Good morning for you all but not me" I smiled at them, " what's wrong?"

"stress" I looked at Soobin, "It's your wedding but I am stressed and worried" she pouted, "yah I am your one and only sister." I sat on the chair, Byeol gave me the hangover soup and I gave her a look. "Jeonghan told me" Byeol went to sit opposite to me, beside Soobin. "I should never let you drink Shasha, I asked you to taste it yesterday but you ended up drinking quite well." After she mentioned yesterday, the memories flooded, Seungcheol with a random girl. But I don't remember how did I come back home yesterday, did I come back with Byeol and Soobin or... how did I end up in my room? I don't remember anything.

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