CH: 48

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I checked today's schedule after I woke up, I had a get-together after work.

Another month was about to end, and after one more month, I will be getting married. There was a reason why my friends decided to meet up today. And not to forget I will go visit the boutique after two days for my wedding dress, as much as I want to stay calm, I know nothing can help my anxious self.

I received a text message from Aki and then opened the group chat.

'Shasha, remember we told you, we will decide the place, the day we meet?'

I replied with "hmm, where did u guys choose" I wondered which café did they choose.

'since we are meeting after work hours, we will meet up at a bar' my eyes widen at Miko's text.

"BAR?" I replied to them, then a text followed written by Jia 'yes, bar. It's fine, we all will be there and don't worry about drinking. We won't force you to drink anyway. We are going to enjoy there for a bit' how is she is my closest friend; she didn't tell me anything about what they were planning all night yesterday. And I already told them I will not oppose the idea of wherever they decide. If I knew I would've called them to my shop, my safe place.

"you guys know very well, I won't be able to say no because I already gave you guys a pass"

'Ayy, shasha don't sulk now. And it's a bar cum restaurant so we can have dinner and then visit the bar.' Miko's text didn't help me from not sulking.

"okay 🤨😒😒😒, let's meet up at the time we decided and text me the location, I probably won't take my car today because of where we are going."

'wear something nice' Jia had the audacity to text me via dm about this, she came back to Korea four days ago from States and this is how I welcome my closest friend.

"I wear nice dresses, don't worry gurl" I sent her the text and sighed.

Seems like girls miss bars and clubs a lot, I remember being dragged twice in my life, and that's because of Jia, and about Miko, I can bet she needed a reason to come out from home. I kept my phone on the nightstand and went inside the bathroom and got ready.

After coming out of the shower, I got ready. I took my phone and wallet then went downstairs. I saw Jeonghan going downstairs with a bag in his hand and that wasn't his office bag or something it was a luggage bag. I saw everyone downstairs. This house feels a bit empty because Soobin's not here and I miss her. I can't believe she doesn't live with us anymore.

"what's going on?" I looked at dad when I got down. "we are going to our grandparents' house, we will be back tomorrow evening or the day after tomorrow early morning." I looked at Jeonghan.

"Why suddenly? No one told me?" if they were leaving I wouldn't have made a plan about a get-together today. I would've changed the dates and now I can't cancel a plan at the last moment.

"we told you a week ago, but yes we didn't tell you the date specifically. We decided on the date yesterday night. And we will be going with Jeonghan and Byeol this time." Dad told me.

"But, I have plans tonight" I looked at them, "you can stay alone Shasha, and go have fun tonight just lock the doors well and don't stay out for too late because you'll be staying alone" mum looked at me. why didn't they tell me about this whole thing yesterday?

"I told you, to inform her yesterday night about this but no one heard me. She should've known when you came to tell us yesterday night." Jeonghan... you always take my side. No matter what.

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